Chapter 1

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(*APH Germany's voice*)

~The time was world war 2!~


The spangled-clad man turned his attention back towards his scruffy commanding officer.

"This is your parter for the mission. Jones, Rogers. Rogers, Jones."

Steve Rogers, otherwise known as Captain America, took notice to the apparel of the young man. He wore the usual military uniform, unlike himself, but over it draped a brown bomber jacket.

"Honor to meet you Captain." The blond with the glasses said with enthusiasm.

Rogers stuck out his hand for a shake. "No need to be so formal, Steve is just fine."

"Alfred, Alfred F. Jones." He said flashing a an American smile, taking Steve's hand in his and shaking.

"Your mission again, is to rescue the French intel spy, John Claude that the Germans have apprehended. They are holding him in the location that you'll be dropped off at. The map of the facility is in the pack." The officer says pointing to the messenger bag laying on the table in front of them. "Your top priority is to get John Claude out of there safely. Any further questions?"

The two men shook there heads, this was there last briefing before their mission and fully understood what is required of them.

"Thank you, Dugan." Steve told the burly man before taking his leave along with Alfred.

-time skip to enemy base-

The two men were dropped a few miles away from the building they were to infiltrate, and soon reached the rear of the facility. They had looked over the map before jumping from the plane, and had an idea of where they could be holding the French informer.

"So soldier, any ideas of scaling the wall?" Steve asked his partner.

Alfred searched through the satchel, and pulled something out. "These should do." He showed Steve two grappling hooks.

Alfred handed Steve one before tossing the hooked side towards the roof, catching itself on the parapet. Steve did likewise, before they scaled the wall.

Once on the roof, they packed the gear back up and proceeded to enter the building with caution.


"Steve." He stated, not wanting to have his partner call him by a higher rank then was nessacarry.

The man with the bombers jacket nodded then continued. "Steve, it's truly an honor to finally get to work with you! I've heard so many amazing stories!"

The captain smiled. "I could be saying the same thing."

Alfred looked at Steve confused.

"I've heard so many things about you too. It's great that I get to personally work with such a soldier that has unique high ranking position, and an influence in the whole american military."

Alfred stared dumbfounded. He knew people talked... But, enough to get him recognized by his hero?!

☆ ☆ ☆

The two had made their way down to the lowest level without being spotted...


Soon they came to the thick door that led to where the guards would be sitting and beyond that hall was the room where the French spy was being held.

Steve slipped his shield off his back as Alfred pulled a short range flare grenade from the pack.

"Ready?" Steve asked in a whispered tone to Alfred. Alfred replied with a swift nod.

Captain Rogers pried open the steel door with the edge of his circular shield. Three guards readied their weapons, but Alfred was quick on the draw, and threw the grenade and took shelter behind the door frame, and Steve behind his shield. Once clear they took down the hallway.

Around a sharp corner were two more enemy soldiers. Steve threw his shield, sailing through the air before ricocheting off their chests, knocking them to the ground. The two men kept running down the stretch before making their way to John Claude's cell.

Captain America smashed open the lock with his shield in one swift downward movement.

The swung open the door revealing the dirty blond man, sitting on a metal bed. He snapped his head up to see Captain America, in all his spangled clad glory. But John Claude's eyes widened at the sight of Alfred.

"Monsieur America! Je promets que je ne leur ai pas dit quoi que ce soir! La France at-vous envoyer?" He asks in his native tongue almost nervously.

A/N ((Mr.America! I promise I didn't tell them anything! Did France send you?))

"Yes, everything is ok. Now let's get you outta' here." He stated running to the Frenchman's side, helping him to his feet.

"I've got it." John Claude tells him, gaining some footing on his own.

"Alright, they will be sending reinforcements soon, we better make ourselves scarce." Steve tells the other two.

As they start to escape down the hall down the way they came.

They're almost in the clear when five guards round a corner. They open fire.

The super soldier defects the oncoming projectiles with his shield, before throwing it, bouncing off three of them and boomeranging back to him, to take cover once again from the flying bullets.

Alfred takes another grenade from the pack. Ripping the pin out using his teeth, before tossing it down the spacious corridor.

Captain America provides his shield useful again for the three of them this time.

As soon as it was safe they ran even faster then before not wanting to get caught again.

"Once we get outside, we'll have to travel a mile before we reach the pick up point!" Steve told the French man, letting him know what was going on.

They rounded another corner, two more guards appeared, and when they were almost in the clear.

Each guard readied their weapons but were attacked by Alfred.

He lunged at the first using his fist to their jaw, knocking him down. And sending a swinging kick back to the other, sending them back into a wall.

"Get John Claude outta' here!" Alfred shouts as reinforcements start to appear.

Flashbacks of loosing his partner Bucky Barns flooded to Steve memory. "Not without everyone!" He said taking down three guards of his own.

"I'll be right behind you! Now go that's an order!" Alfred commanded.

Steve almost forgot that his partner was a higher rank then him. But he nonetheless complied, even if he didn't want to.


Steve and John Claude had reached the check point and were about to board the helicopter when they heard gun shots from behind them.

Steve looked back to see Alfred running towards them.

He waves them on telling him to get on the helicopter, once they boarded they started to ascend.

As the young patriot was about to jump to safety when an explosion engulfed him.



Captain Rogers abruptly sat up in his bed. Sweat beading off his forehead, and his shirtless chest.

He was gasping for oxygen in ragged breaths. The cool night air was almost soothing.

Why was he having flashbacks about that now? He had been having that dream for a few weeks now. That particular memory was from just a few days before he had gone down in the ocean, freezing him in time before waking up in the present time.

Steve looked over to the clock on the nightstand next to his bed. It read 2:30. He ran his fingers through his drenched hair, what was the purpose of havering these memories haunt him now?

The Captain and the PatriotOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant