Chapter 3

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(APH Germany voice: the time was World War 2)

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Once Steve and John Claude returned to headquarters they were greeted by two people.

Steve's superior, Dum Dum Dugan. And someone waiting from John Claude's division, a French man Steve had never met.

"John! Je suis tellement heureux que vous êtes en sécurité! Vous n'avez pas de leur faire savoir que vous a fait?" He asked holding to John Claude's shoulders, worry evident in his voice.

((I am so glad you are safe! You did not let them know did you?))

"Non." He responded.

Then the French superior turned to Captain Rogers looking a little more relived. "Ah Captain, Francis Bonnafoy, at your service. Didn't our little Alfred accompany you? He was so excited."

"He- ... got caught up in an explosion." Steve said grievously.

"Ah... I will let his brother Arthur know." The French man said to the Americans.

"Thank you Captain Rogers." He said turning with a small melancholy smile, to leave with John Claude.

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"What?" Steve says to Tony, snapped him out of a memory.

"We're here." Tony deadpanned.

The two Avengers step out of the SHEILD aircraft, into a hanger on the helicarrier.

"You seem to be spacing out. What's wrong?" Tony asked.

"I guess I'm just trying to piece this all together. It doesn't really seem to make any sense. I mean that was definitely the Alfred I served with back in the war, but how could he still be alive?"

"It's obviously some kind of government secret. I mean, that Matthew guy who was with him seemed a bit upset that we had caught him, and said that his boss would be mad, and told us to contact Fury. Then Fury said that this is 'a dire situation'." Tony said letting sarcasm drip as he quoted Director Fury.

And with that the two men were led into an office like room. Nicolas Fury was on the phone, with someone. Trying to end the conversation to talk with the two new people in the room.

"Yes... Yes, I know the circumstances, I understand... Yes." And then he hangs up the phone, and turns to look the two Avengers in the eyes, with a serious face.

"Do you know who I was just on the phone with? ... The president of the United States. Do you know how deep the shit is that we are standing in right now!?"

Tony scrunched up his face, about to say something he probably shouldn't. But Steve speaks up. "Sir, could you please explain the situation. We actually don't know what's going on at all."

Nicolas rubs his temples, and sighs. "Why don't you have a seat?" He says pointing to two chairs on the opposite side of the desk that he's standing on.

The two men take their seats. And Fury does likewise.

"Alfred F Jones as you know him isn't an ordinary person."

"That's a shocker." Tony said sarcastically.

The SHEILD director just threw him a glare, before continuing. "Alfred, to put it simply, is the personification of America."

Director Fury let it sink in. Then Tony spoke up.

"You mean to tell us that he is America... The United States, as a person!?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling you."

"Don't take this question the wrong way but, what's the problem, and why is this even top secret information?"

"What would the common public think if they found out that the country, was a fiscal person. Especially people who are activist, ones who start riots, ones in direct opposition to the government!? They would blame all of the government's problems on him, and try to kill him."

Tony suddenly dropped the cocky attitude.

"But the worse part is that he can't die. He's been around before the 13 original colonies, and has had to live through every part of American history, that includes wars."

"So, when, I saw him engulfed, by that explosion... He-?"

"He felt it, and died, before coming back around. Nations have to carry the extra weight of their whole country. Sometimes can't handle it, but they have no choice."

"Are you referring-"

"Yes, Captain, I am."

"Sooooooooo~" Tony starts. "Who was that Matthew character?"

"His brother, in a matter of speaking."

The two men only stared at Nick, waiting for him to elaborate.

"*sigh*, He's the personification of Canada... See that's why we could have an international conflict. If Canada's prime minister, Stephen Harper, had so much as the slightest thought that you would breath a word about the prosopopeia of countries we could have a serious problem on our hands at a global scale!"

Tony Stark sat back in is chair, speechless for once in his life.

Steve Rogers sat on the edge of his seat, trying to process all of the new information.

"So. This is, top secret?" Steve finally questioned skeptically.

"Yeah, and the whole nation, no the whole world could be in a state of panic, all because if him." Nick Fury said pointing at Tony Stark.

Tony abruptly sits up. "Wait! What!? Why me!?"

"Because, you have the biggest mouth in the world! You couldn't even keep the lid on your own secret! Not even for a whole day!" The director somewhat shouted, placing his hands on his hands on his hips.

Tony opened his mouth to object, but ended up just closing it again. And nodding his head, in a begrudging manor.

"My point proven," Nick said leaning on his desk. "Now, the real question is, are you going to keep you quiet?"

Tony shrugged. "I guess I can make an exception, seeing as though the whole world would be after my ass, if I open my big mouth." He says halfheartedly chuckling.

Steve and Nick, exchange worried glances, hoping that the arrogant billionaire could really keep his mouth shut.


I feel like I did Nick Fury justice, can you guys let me know what you thought?

Thanks again for all the reads! It means a lot!

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