4. Sokovia

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I could tell Aria was struggling. She hadn't seen freedom from HYDRA since just before her capture. We hadn't really given her a chance to train; we just threw her into the mix with us when we got called on for another base raid. We wanted her to feel included, and we didn't want her to remain by herself at the Tower.

Though, thinking back on it, we should've invested in Todd babysitting her. He would've definitely helped her adjust to life on Earth like how he did with me.

HYDRA agents were trying their hardest to stop us. Unfortunately for them, we were the Avengers, plus a new recruit. There was no way that we weren't going to be successful.

Our group had spread out, even Bruce had gone Hulk for this base raid in Sokovia. Tony was flying in the air in his suit, Steve had opted for his motorcycle for this mission. Clint and Natasha had stolen a vehicle from the enemy, and the rest of us, we took to the snowy grounds on foot through the woods.

Blasts were sent as I rushed to Aria's aid. I could see her kicking up the snow, trying out her powers against the enemy. The blasts were getting closer to her. I managed to stop one with a fireball from my hand. I sent a stream of fire towards a few incoming HYDRA agents.

"Worst case, you don't use your power, you fight," I told her as the bodies fell.

She moved a hair that got misplaced when she pulled it back into a plait. "I've never fought a day in my life."

"Well, today that starts. Don't lose sight of me."

"What are we doing again?"

"Raiding a HYDRA base. We're looking for something that doesn't belong to them."

"What's that?"

"A scepter that possesses the power of the Tesseract."

Aria's eyes widened. "I thought it was lost?"

"It was, until it wasn't anymore. Duck!" I pulled Aria to the snowy floor as a blast shot over our heads. I brushed my arms as I got up. "Head for the base. I'll take them out."

As I heard Aria's feet crunch in the snow, further away from me, I took care of the oncoming wave of HYDRA agents. One by one, they all fell.

"Shit!" I heard Tony over the coms.

"Language!" came Steve's chiding response. "J.A.R.V.I.S., what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield," said the AI. "Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

"Then that has to be it," I said, moving towards the base. "The scepter has to be in there."

"I agree with Kiara," said Thor. "Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

"At long last is lasting a little long, boys," said Tasha.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise," said Clint.

"Wait a second," Tony cut in. "No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said, 'language'?"

"I know," Steve groaned. "It just slipped out."

"It's not the first time he's said it," I chimed in. "No need to make this time sound so special."

"You had to add on, Kiara?"

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