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"Batman? Your name is Batman?" Castiel questioned the strange man on the opposite side of the counter. He picked up his pen and placed it on the cup, sighing slightly, "Batman it is."

The man finally looked up, into Castiel's eyes and smiled. A smile that could light up the whole room in an instant. But that wasn't the first thing Cas noticed. The man has the most beautiful green eyes that Cas had ever seen. They were bright and caught the sunlight at exactly the right angle.
"Yeah, I'm Batman." Was all he spoke before taking a newspaper and sauntering off in the direction of the checkout.

Castiel was left alone once more, but this time with a feeling of awe and want behind. Cas was determined to discover more about the confident young man who called himself Batman.
Little did Cas know, he wouldn't have to wait long.

Castiel grabbed the knot at the back of his apron and pulled, noticing on the clock that it was just 2 minutes until the end of his shift. He glanced across the shop, his eyes dancing across the customers until they fell upon the one he had been looking for. A grin spread across Castiel's face as the two locked eyes. The man across the shop winked twice at Cas before shaking his head and turning back to his newspaper.

In an attempt to get the man out of his head, Castiel flung his apron at the coat rack and exited out of the back door.

Despite the break from school, the summer had not been kind to Cas. His family was in the process of moving and although Castiel could continue his job at the coffee shop, him and his three brothers would all have to transfer schools. The summer had been spent enrolling in new classes, stocking up supplies and stressing about the lack of familiar faces Cas would experience at this new school.
But maybe, Cas pondered, this was a good thing. Cas has never been all that sociable and even the few friends he had managed to keep wouldn't miss him. Maybe a fresh start was exactly what he needed. The stresses and trials of his previous lifestyle could be left behind. No more pretending to be someone he wasn't.

Castiel smirked to himself, a strong sense of contentment washing over him, a feeling Cas hadn't felt in God knows how long.
Absent-mindedly, he swung his left leg over his bike and began the long cycle home.

Aside from all the school worries, Castiel was still burdened with the stress of house moving. A sea of unpacked boxes welcomed him as he pushed his way through his bedroom door. They had been in the new house for three weeks and despite his family's moaning (particularly his oldest brother Michael, who took it upon himself to order his younger siblings around), Castiel had yet to unpack a majority of his belongings.
He took this opportunity to begin the huge task of unloading his possessions, a chore more tiresome than the rest.

He began with the photos, his eyes washing over the scenes of happiness that splashed across the paper. Cas picked up his particular favourite, a photo of him and his mother at the end of the pier, smiling despite the obvious winds that threatened to knock them over at any second. He smiled to himself, remembering that day and propped the picture against the clock on his bedside table.

No matter how hard he tried to concentrate, Cas could not stop thinking about the green eyed man from the coffee shop. Within an hour, Cas had altogether abandoned unpacking and had begun sketching the outline of the man's face. He ran his fingers across the still unfinished drawing, thinking about the mysterious image the man portrayed. Castiel still did not know his name, but he already felt a connection with the man, something greater than he had ever felt before. And it scared him, more than anything.

In that instant, Cas knew he would do all it took to make the man's his.


"I'm a bit worried about your coffee dependency, Batman." Castiel spoke, biting he left side of his lip. "This is your third cup already and it's barely 10."
It was Sunday and Castiel had the early shift at the coffee shop. After the sleepless night he had had previously, Cas could barely keep his eyes open. But the presence of the green eyed, coffee loving boy who called himself Batman seemed to give him a new, previously unknown, energy.
"You know, Cas" The man spoke, leaning across the counter, edging deliberately closer. He placed his hand on Castiel's name badge, twisting it in his fingers, "If the server wasn't so hot, maybe I'd order less."

Cas blinked. Slowly at first then overwhelmingly fast. He pushed himself backwards from the counter in an attempt to compose himself. His heart began to race and his palms became sweaty. His breathing quickened and he could feel his face flush a dark red. Cas looked around the counter, checking that there was no one around that the man could have been talking to. Sure enough, Castiel's doubts were washed away when it became apparent that he was the only person working that morning.

Cas took a deep breath and smiled. "Flirting already? I don't even know your name." Cas muttered, slightly regaining confidence.
The man grabbed a napkin and Cas's pen and scrawled something across it before pushing it towards Castiel.

"Take me on a date and I'll tell you."


Needless to say, the date never happened. The worries of school over took Cas and within a few weeks, he had given up his shift at the coffee shop altogether. After that, the boy could not bring himself to dial the number so lovingly written on the napkin. That does not mean that Cas ever stopped thinking about the nameless figure. He plagued Cas' mind every night, haunting his dreams in the most pleasant way possible. And Castiel was not mad about it one bit.

A/N: Okay I'm aware this was really bad but I'm trying, I swear. I will also start writing longer chapters, this was just rushed as I wanted to get something up. Hope you enjoyed! Comment your thoughts!

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