Chapter One

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It was the first day back after summer and Dean sauntered down the hallways with confidence. Behind him, he left a trail of destruction, kids pushed into lockers, papers thrown across the floor. The students parted for Dean and the other members of the football team. And there was no denying it, Dean loved it. The football jacket made him their God. Dean bit his lip to hide a smile as he heard a whimpering from a lower school child that his friend and fellow team mate, Adam, had thrown into a locker.

"Hey Dean, wait." The British accent was thick and Dean knew immediately that the clammy hand on his shoulder belonged to his best friend and co-captain, Crowley. Dean smiled and stopped walking, bringing his friend in for a quick hug. The embrace was short, but it reminded Dean of all that was right in the world, and all that he had missed over summer. He shot the shorter English boy a smile as he pulled backwards, his hands falling back to his side.

Crowley was the first to break the comfortable silence that had fallen between the pair as they made their way towards the days first lesson.
"Met you're new roommate yet?" Crowley asked, shooting a questioning look towards Dean.

The pair would both be staying at the college this year, deciding to complete their further education at the same place they had attended high school.  Regrettedly, Dean and Crowley would not be sharing a room as a result of the school's policy of socialising. Roommates were chose for them, pulled randomly out of a hat. And in all honesty, Dean had forgotten completely about it. Between the nervousness he felt about being around new people and the regret of even signing up for this shit show, Dean was glad he had forgotten about it, it would have only caused more unnecessary stress.

Dean shook his head sadly, resigned to the fact that this year would not be as fun as the last: isolated in a room with a stranger, separated from all familiarity. He looked to Crowely, who was still waiting for a response. "No, I haven't. And I don't intend to." Dean's voice was low and consumed by worry. Dean felt Crowley's arm shift on him, resting over his shoulders and holding Dean in a position that was both awkward and reassuring.

"Well I have. I'm stuck with this shit head called Chuck. That kid spends his whole life with his head in a book." Dean knew immediately who Crowley was refeffering to and Dean's face lit up, knowing as a result Crowley would spent most of his time in Dean's room. Maybe this year wouldn't be so bad after all.

The friends continued walking along the hall, Crowley embarking on a truly thrilling story of how many times he got high over the summer, giving all the accurate hand movements, acting out every stage. Dean couldn't help but smile, his head swinging back with laughter as Crowley recounted stealing candy from vending machines.

Slowly, as the pair turned the corner, the reminiscing and laughter was halted, by a scream that echoed around the halls. Dean and Crowley shared a sideways glance before turning together to see Adam, Luc and Mike, other members of last years football team, beating a small boy on the floor.

Sure, Dean and Crowley were by no means saints, but they knew the difference between right and wrong. And this, was most defiently wrong. With just a nod to each other, the pair knew exactly what had to be done, lunging forward and jumping on the attackers.
One by one, as punches were thrown and blood spilt, the three respective members of the team left, in much worse shape than either of the saviours.

Crowley left, vowing to 'hunt down those bastards' and Dean was alone, with only the crumpled figure of the attacked boy for company.
Something about this kid felt familiar, but Dean could not place his finger on how. Between the slightly faded trench coat and the old Nike trainers, Dean was almost 100% certain he had met this boy before.

Dean found himself crouching down and placing an hand on the boy's arm, pulling him up into a sitting position. When their eyes met, everything became clear.

"You." Dean and the boy spoke in unison, as both helped pull each other to their feet. Silence consumed them, and Dean knew that he would have to be the one to break it.

"You left, you didn't call. I thought I'd scared you off, Cas." Dean began, memories of the countless hours he had spent in the coffee shop over summer flooding back to him.

"Never." Castiel replied, reaching down into his pocket and pulling out a crumpled napkin. The same napkin that Dean had written his number on mere weeks ago. "I didn't know what to say. What if you'd gone off of me, Batman."

"Dean." The boy confirmed his name, solving the greatest mystery that Cas had ever faced. "My name is Dean." He looked up towards Castiel, brushing the boy's jacket of in the process. The walked forward together, smiling down at the floor. An unspoken connection was formed that day, and Dean knew he would do anything to protect his new found friend.

"Wait a minute." Castiel stopped, and Dean was sure he had done something wrong. These doubts were washed away was Castiel reached into his pocket, again, pulling out a second piece of paper, this time one with a list of names on it. "You wouldn't by any chance be Dean Winchester?"

"Yeah, why?"

Castiel smiled, and Dean could not deny that it lit up the whole room. Everything looked unsatisfactory to the way that Cas smiled. It wasn't just  a little smile, that disappeared in an instant. No, Cas smiled from ear to ear, his eyes upturned, his forehead wrinkling in the motion.

"I think you might be my roommate."

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