Chapter Three

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Cas was torn between anticipation for the class to end, so that he could spend time with Dean, and willing it to go on forever, so that he could avoid the younger male.

Both prospects confused him. It wasn't like he was in love with Dean and had to spend every waking moment with him and it definitely wasn't the case that he was mad at Dean, the boy had a right to not like Cas. But still, as Castiel's pen scrawled aimlessly across his history book, his mind was elsewhere, all intentions of studying Alexander Hamilton gone. Hell, even the soundtrack that his teacher was blaring over the sound system could not snap Cas out of his worries.

And that was a problem. Musicals: Cas' guilty pleasure and the remedy to any trauma. But no, not this time. Not even the silky smooth voice of Leslie Odom Jr could take his mind off if the face that Dean Winchester had just shot down any chance of a relationship.

That was it. Time to stop wallowing in self pity: Guns and Ships was playing and there was no doubt that Castiel would be singing along. Pushing down all his regret and anger and sadness, Castiel began to belt out Daveed Diggs' rap, his lungs barely able to keep up with the pace he was going. After a few seconds, the rest of the class had joined in and Castiel was glad not to be alone in his appreciation of all of Lin Manuel Miranda's genius.

The noise in the class died down and it wasn't long before the bell signalling the end of the day echoed through the classroom and surrounding halls. Slowly and rather reluctantly, Castiel slid his chair backwards, stuffing his forgotten and mostly unused textbooks back into his bag. Within a few seconds, he stood outside the classroom, facing Dean. The boy had been their already, his tall athletic figure looming slightly over Castiel. He couldn't say he was surprised to have been beaten here by Dean, he was more than sure that the boy must have raced here and even the thought of that brought a smile to his face. A smile that was unwelcomed by Dean as it was met with a scowl. Cas bowed his head, quickly removing all signs of humour from his face.

Dean raised an eyebrow in the direction of the dorms and Cas assumed that to be his queue to walk forward. He did so, with cation, careful to check back every few seconds and make sure that Dean was still following. Shortly, Dean made a turn and Castiel followed obediently, trusting that Dean knew his way around campus.

Castiel found himself entering a building and walking up a small flight of stairs, the walls a plain sickly yellow that automatically turned him off of the place. Cas wasnt necessarily picky about interior design but yellow walls and a blue carpet, that was just a no go.

"This one." Dean spoke, breaking the silence for the first time and ushering Cas into a room at the start of a long corridor. "They should have already brought your bags up." He continued, motioning to the stack of miscalanious suitcases piled in the corner.

Castiel nodded a slight thanks, acknowledging that the awkwardness of the situation would bot get any better unless he confronted it. "Dean," The boy spoke, sitting on the bed that he assumed to be his. "I didn't mean to be rude earlier, I just thought we should talk about it."

"Cas it's fine." Dean smiled sincerely but still didn't meet his roommates eye. The ice tension began to melt but the situation was still far from comfortable for both the participants.

"I just thought you liked me." Cas perpersisted, wanting to rid the room of all bad feeling.

"I did and you knew it. You were the one who never called." Dean spoke, picking at a hang nail on his left thumb. An unknown resentment towards Cas had been building up inside of him over the course of the day, and Dean had serverly hoped he wouldn't show it. But that wasn't the case.

"Right, okay." Cas concluded, brushing away the other responses that had entered his mind. He was too tired for an argument with his roommate on the first night. He picked up his suitcases from the front of the room, tossing Dean's on the bed. "You should probably unpack, I don't like messy rooms."


Dean Winchester hated himself. Briefly after the altercation with Cas, he had left without explaining his whereabouts and now wandered the streets half drunk but fully desperate to find someone to take his mind off of life.

And sure enough, his prayers were answered almost immediately as Lisa Braden turned the corner. She was the schools resident heart throb and totally and utterly infatuated with Dean. Usually, he resisted her but tonight, well tonight would be different.

"Lisa Braden, just the girl I've been looking for." Dean's eyes glanced up and down the girls body, taking in every inch. She wore a red dress that barely covered her underwear and black heels that highlighted the perfection of her legs.

"Dean Winchester. The boy I'm always looking for." Like Dean, Lisa was drunk, her speech slurred and barely understandable. Dean stepped forward, wrapping his arm around her shoulders in an attempt to steady Lisa against the effects of the alcohol. She lent towards him, pressing their lips together. Dean didn't pull away, like he suspected he would but felt himself melting in to the touch of Lisa, a situation that had only occurred in her dreams.

Sparks flew. No, wait. That's an overstatement. Dean felt a mere attraction but was more focused on the distraction that the girl provided and he soon found his hand working it's way up and down the girls back.

"My room. Now." Dean asked, or demanded and of course Lisa Braden accepted, she was not going to pass up a night alone with Dean Winchester.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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