Sunrise Residence: Chapter II

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The day we were leaving, I took my final glance and left.

Elise was quite upset we were leaving but we promised we'd keep in touch. That would be hard, different time zones.

I reached the airport to find them both in the first class lounge. "Why didn't you tell us?" Katie exclaimed.

"To be fair we should have expected it from her!" Liz said chuckling to herself.

"I know." Katie sighed.

"Only the best for you two!" I laughed while boarding the airplane.

We flew in first class because I'm the best, and we arrived in Japan only hours later. Thankfully I'd learned Japanese in my high school days and most of the citizens spoke English anyway, good news for Liz and Katie.

We arrived at our new apartment called 'Sunrise Residence' a five story condo and we get the whole second floor to ourselves, the first floor is only mail lockers, the rest of the floors are occupied by the Asahina household. Twelve brothers and one sister, living within the two other floors.

I probably won't mind the noise but Katie will. "If the neighbours are to noisy I'll hit them upside their heads!" I exclaimed to Katie and she didn't look reassured though.

"And I'll give 'em a beating they'll never forget!" Liz said and grinned at us.

We got our stuff out the taxi and looked at our new home. Breath-taking. Was the only word I could think to describe it. Over the side of the house, we saw a young man playing basket ball, wearing a top that said 'Meijing' on it, he tossed the ball at the hoop and he looked over.

"Subaru Asahina?" Katie asked, recognising him from the sports magazine, she read last month. The ball he tossed, went through the hoop, hit the back board and came pelting back into his face. He collapsed to the floor as me and Katie came rushing over to him to make sure he was ok. "Are you okay? Your not dead are you?" I asked soothingly. Katie grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Y-yeah." He blushing said, 'Damn tall people' I thought to myself. He looked over our shoulders and at our bags.

"Are you girls moving in downstairs?" He asked putting two and two together.

"Yes we are, and if you don't mind, I would appreciate it if you kept your hands away from my girls." Liz growled, staring him down into submission, she hung her arms round us protectively and grabbed a large bag.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" He said letting go of Katie's grip. "Anyway, my brother wants to meet you at some point, to great you personally." Subaru said as a tall dark brown haired man strolled out the building to greet us.

"Subaru!" The man said.

He looked at us and said "Hi there my name's Masaomi, the oldest Asahina brother and this little fellow behind me is Wateru the youngest." The little pink haired boy stepped out from behind Masaomi but Liz and Katie were hugging Wateru within seconds after he stepped out form behind Masaomi.

"Kawaii!" They shouted in unison.

"YaY! Onii-Chans!" Wateru said as me, Masaomi and Subaru laughed, as a tall blonde haired man with glasses joined in with our laughter, while Liz and Katie squeezed the life out of poor Wateru.

"Why aren't you joining the hugging fest with them? Are you the mature one?" The blonde man said, I believe his name was Ukyo if I remembered correctly.

"Me? No. Katie's the more mature one, I just have sore shoulders so I can't hug people right now." I explained.

"I'm Ukyo second son and lawyer. By the way feel free to come over for dinner you three." He offered us.

I walked over Liz and went to pick up the bag she had tossed to the side but it was really heavy, Subaru watched me struggling then came over and picked it up with one hand. Liz snapped around and glared at him intensely.

"No! It's fine, we got I-" Liz started but was cut off by Katie.

"Thank you Subaru!"

I chuckled at the sight, Liz was scowling at the boys as they picked up our bags, Liz picked up her three massive gaming bags and stormed into the apartment's building front doors.

In the end, the brothers insisted on carrying all of me and Katie's stuff in but Liz was stubborn and took all her stuff in as she watched the boys closely with a bitter glare.

"Phew, that was fun," Subaru said with a half exhausted, half genuine smile.

"You didn't have to! I would have managed." Liz said with a growl as we all walked into our new hallway.

"Hey, you girls don't have anything to eat, do you? Wanna come over to have dinner? It's to late to go shopping." Ukyo suggested and I nodded before Liz could object. "Dinners at 5 and the whole family will be there, all fourteen of us, Ema will be so happy there's other girls living with us now." Ukyo said while dragging boys out the door.

Liz and Katie had their jaws dropped down to their feet. "Fourteen!?" The both said in unison.

"Ok girls, let's get to unpacking!" I said. We high-fived then ran into our new rooms.

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