Ukyo's Dilemma :Chapter XVI

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Ukyo and I walked into his room. The door slammed shut...

"Sorry, my door can be a little stiff." Ukyo frowned.

"Don't worry." I assured him before sitting on his bed as he sat at his desk.

"If you want, you can sit on my lap while we look over the files." Ukyo suggested, grabbing a file.

"It's fine." I blushed.

"Okay, lets do this. A famous man was murdered in the study of his mansion, we currently have four suspects. The maid, chief, butler and his fiancé. His death was estimated to be a Sunday morning, each suspect gave an alibi; His fiancé was asleep, chief was making breakfast, butler was dusting and the maid was collecting the mail. Anything sound off to you?" He asked scratching the back of his head.

"Easy! Its was the maid! You don't get mail on a Sunday." I explained to Ukyo's simple mind.

"I don't get mail, I grab the bills from the office and fill them in there for Miwa and Raintoro." Ukyo explained to me.

"Makes sense, has Miwa pressured you about leaving the condo before?" I asked curiously.

"More than I can remember, she is always telling me, Masaomi and Hikaru to get married and for me and Masaomi to move out eventually." He chuckled.

"Wow. When are you planning on getting married? Your like what? 30?" I joked.

"Actually I'm 29 and I have someone in mind." he grinned mysteriously.

"Describe her! Oh I  do love a bit of gossip!" I giggled.

"Well..." He stood.

"She has beautiful dark eyes and hair." He took a step towards me.

"Average height and weight." Another step closer.

"Sexy figure." Another step, and a snarky smile.

"Darkish-light skin." He stood hands around me.

"Her name?" I gasped.

"Poppy." Ukyo said staring into my eyes. He got down on one knee and continued.

"I know I'm a lot older than you, but does age really matter when it comes to love?" Ukyo sighed.

"What are you?" I gasped.

"You can tell me to stop at anytime you want." He said smoothing his hands around my curves.

I gasped and backed up against the bed wall. Ukyo scowled and pinned me down.

"I love you Poppy." Ukyo growled lowly in my ear.

What on Earth is he doing?! What on Earth is he on?!

I felt my pulse quicken each time his hands touched my skin.

"Poppy~" Ukyo breathed in my ear.

Ukyo pressed his cold hard lips onto mine, before I could react he pressed himself forcefully onto me against the wall. I couldn't move.

I pulled Ukyo's head towards mine and head butted him in the forehead.

"Ow...Poppy." Ukyo gasped backing up.

"My body isn't yours to touch." I snapped coldly.

"Poppy~ "Shut up!" I cut off Ukyo.

Ukyo froze up so I took the opportunity to slap him.

"Goodbye!" I said about to slam the door behind me.

"I'm sorry...What's wrong with me..." Ukyo sighed putting his hands in his face and sat on the end of his bed.

"Hu?" I glanced back to Ukyo.

Ukyo sat me down and we talked for ages, he talked about Reiko as if she was an angle, until the part when he talked about how she used him. Like a tool, all just to get to Miwa.

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this..." He sighed.

"Chill, its natural for guys to do it." I said with a snarky smile. "They get engulfed by my sheer beauty! They fall in love with me instantly!!" I laughed showing off my curves.

"Yeah... But as a lawyer, I should be able to supress these feelings." He sulked.

"Question?" I asked, raising my hand.

"Uh...Shoot?" He shrugged.

"You know when we played truth or dare?" He nodded. "Kaname said truth and you never answered, What's that 'Preference' is?" I asked.

He bushed and shook his head.

I huffed and went to walk out the door. Ukyo threw me the keys as I unlocked it.

"And Ukyo, you don't need a preference to find love, there are plenty others." I said throwing him the keys back and walked out, slamming the door behind me. Such a Perv.

I strolled, trying to act casually, into the dining room, Katie on her phone while Louie doing her hair and Liz asleep on the table.

'Wonder what happened?'

Liz suddenly shot up before I could ask Katie.

"Where have you been!?" Liz demanded jumping of the table and checking me over.

"Helping Ukyo wi-"  "Where did you get that bruise?" Liz asked, cutting me off.

I traced over my lip and found it to be slightly swollen. 'Probably when Ukyo slammed me to the wall and smooched me' I blushed at the thought.

"It was one of the brothers. Which one dares hurt my Mi Lord Toffeehive!? Which brother do I have to kill!?" She demanded.

'If I tell her.... Ukyo's reaction would be funny....'

"It was Ukyo!" I said quickly before regretting it and attempting to take it back but she was already yelling down the hallway.

She banged on his door until he opened it, she threw him to the wall and demanded and explanation.

"I lost it..."He replied guiltily.

He explained all about what happened. She seemed to already know about Reiko and wasn't too shocked by anything that happened.

"*Sigh* I will forgive you, under one condition..." She started.

"Name it!" He smiled generously.

She whispered something in his ear, which made him freeze up and blush intensely.

"He has to tell everyone what his preference is but except for Wateru, something like what a full grown man would be thinking is well, far to mature." Liz explained.

"Go on Ukyo." She demanded.

"I-I-" "Hurry up!"

"I like-

Just then Ukyo was cut of by a blackout.

"Eap!" I screeched. I hate the dark, I grabbed onto something warm, felt like Liz.

"Poppy! Get off the perv!" Liz demanded. But I'm already holding on her...

I could see Ukyo's glasses reflect from above me, I was gripping onto his leg.


Liz picked me up and the three of us walked to the lounge where, I think, everyone was gathered. Luckily, they had flashlights, Liz threw me down with Katie, Louie, Wateru and Ema for protection and she would help the boys with fixing the lights.

"I'll check the fuse." Liz sighed.

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