The Aftermath

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Hours later when sitting in an uncomfortable chair in the hospital waiting room, Alejandro looked back at the moment the ambulance arrived. How 3 officers had to pull him away from Cassian to let the medics take him into the ambulance. How he had felt his heart grow lighter when they told him his son was still alive and breathing, and how he found Jyn sitting outside on the porch, crying her eyes out. The officers had driven him and Jyn to the hospital and he had called Maria to let her know what happened. Not long after Jyn and Alejandro had arrived at the hospital, Maria walked into the waiting room as well. It had taken her a while to find someone who was willing to watch Carmen for the night, and she couldn't leave Carmen all alone in the house. When Alejandro spotted her from across the room he rushed over to her and held her in his arms. He felt her shoulders shake from the sobbing, and he did his best not to cry, to be strong for her. After she let go of him, she walked over to Jyn and hugged her as well, and Alejandro sighed. This was such a mess.

By now that was 5 hours ago and even thought it was 2 in the morning, the hospital was still busy, and the waiting rooms were still filled. He looked at Maria who had managed to fall asleep in her chair. A few chairs away from them, sat Jyn. Her knees were pulled up to her chest, and she was staring blankly into space as a steady stream of tears ran down her face. The doctors had done a quick check up on her when she was brought in, but other than some bruises she was okay. Alejandro stood up and walked over to her.

'Are you okay?' he asked. He knew it was a stupid question to ask. None of them were okay... but what else could he say.

She didn't look at him, just kept staring into space. 'It's my fault.' She wiped the tears on her cheeks away. Alejandro sat down with a sigh.

'He came after you because he wanted to, and you know that.'

'Only because I called him!' Jyn quickly turned her head, and looked at Alejandro. 'If I hadn't called him, he wouldn't have come and he wouldn't have gotten hurt.'

'No, but you would have. Jyn, in the end it is simple, it is John Draven's fault that Cassian got hurt. He abused you, and he was the one who attacked Cassian with a knife. You were both victims of the situation.'

She looked at him with tear filled eyes. 'Be honest with me, and tell me you don't blame me one bit for Cassian getting hurt, and I'll believe you. But I know you can't. Because if I hadn't been in Cassian's life, he wouldn't be here right now. If I had listened to him and gone to the police, Draven wouldn't have been beating me up. And if I wouldn't have called Cassian to help me, he would have been at home, doing his homework, safe and sound.'

Alejandro looked down. He knew deep down she was right. There was a very small part of him which tried to blame her. Knowing that without Jyn, Cassian wouldn't be hurt. But he refused to let that part of him win. Yes she was part of the chain reaction, but she wasn't the last piece tumbling down and hurting his son. And he wouldn't blame her as such.

'I know that you have your fault in this, Cassian does as well. I even blame myself for not being able to stop him from going. We can't change what happened, and I know that Cassian will blame none of us. Blaming ourselves, won't make him get better, so let's stop playing the blame game, okay?'

Jyn nodded. 'Thank you.' She mumbled.

It was 4 in the morning, 7 hours after coming into the hospital, when a doctor approached them. Jyn immediately jumped up when she spotted the doctor. Alejandro carefully shook Maria awake as the doctor approached.

'Excuse me. Are you the Family of Cassian Andor?' The Doctor asked as he stood before them.

Alejandro and Maria stood up. 'Yes, we are his parents. Is he okay?'

'He is currently doing quite well. The knife pierced his liver, and caused internal bleeding, which requires quite extensive surgery. But his liver is fixed, and the internal bleeding has stopped, and his chances for full recovery are at about 95%. He'll have to stay here for a few days, to make sure there are no complications.'

Jyn, Alejandro and Maria all sighed in relief.

'Can we see him?' Maria asked the doctor, who eyed Jyn with curiosity.

'Is she family?' He asked.

'She is his girlfriend.' Maria stated.

The doctor sighed. 'I'm sorry, but I can only allow family to come in at this moment.'

'It's okay.' Jyn mumbled, blinking away the tears. 'Just go...'

Maria nodded, wishing Jyn could come with them, knowing that the girl's heart was breaking. But she knows lingering will only make it worse. She took Alejandro's hand and they followed the doctor to Cassian's room.

The first thing they noticed was how pale he looked. His skin many tones lighter than his usual slightly tanned color. His face showed the pain he is in, and Maria's heart nearly broke. But as they walked closer towards their son, his eyes opened and he smiled slightly at them.

'Hey.' He managed to say, his voice hoarse.

'Hi sweetheart.' Maria said, and she squeezed Cassian's hand. She wished she could embrace him in a big hug, but knew that it would likely open the wound, and in any case hurt him quite badly.

'How are you feeling?' Alejandro asked.

Cassian looked at him. 'Like I got run over by a train.' Every word he spoke felt strained; Filled with weariness and pain. 'But I guess it could be worse...'

Alejandro shook his head. 'You know you were an absolute idiot for going over there, right?'

'Yeah... I know. And I accept whatever punishment you see fit.'

Maria looked at Alejandro, although maybe glared is the better word. He knew his wife well enough to know she would not let him punish Cassian too hardly.

'We'll talk about that later. Right now just focus on getting better. I'm sure all this is already quite the punishment.

He nodded solemnly. 'Is Jyn okay?'

'She's okay. Draven got arrested, so she'll go back to the center for now. But other than some bruises and a heavy case of feeling guilty, she's alright.'

Cassian nodded again before yawning heavily, followed by a groan of pain.

'We'll let you rest darling.' Maria bent over and kissed his forehead. 'We love you.'

'Love you too.' Cassian mumbled, already falling asleep again.

A/N So, there is only one more chapter after this. Hope you enjoy.

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