Chapter Two: To Hogwarts Or Not?

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Every Saturday morning we have fried egg and bacon on toast, however because today was the start of the summer holidays dad did a fry up for us all. Whilst we are sitting up the table, eating, mum brings up the topic of my letter and mum and dad end up agreeing to let me go.
The next day I am awoken by a constant banging on the front door. I hear dad answer it  and invite someone in. He calls up to me to get dressed ASAP and come downstairs. In five minutes I'm sitting in our living room with mum and Laylie whilst dad makes teas. In the squishy armchair in the corner sits a man who is wearing rather strange clothes. He introduces himself as Professor Longbottom. When dad comes back in, teas and all, Professor Longbottom starts talking about how my parents were witches and wizards and that i have inherited their magical blood. He offers to take me to some strange place called Diagon Alley where apparently I am able to buy my supplies. Mum and dad agree to it and half an hour later I'm about to set off with Professor Longbottom. Mum hands me a twenty pound note however Professor Longbottom explains to us that my parents left me enough money to take care of myself and that muggle money isn't accepted in the wizarding world. We walk out of the door and he asks me to take his arm I do as he says and almost instantly we are whizzing through time and space. I think I could get used to magic.

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