Chapter 38 - Horrible Roommates

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Diana POV

A normal day at a weird and unique school. I chewed my pen to annoy Rain while in Spiritual Education. She glared at me and broke a marker when she wrote on the whiteboard.

"Don't judge me, I'm bored" I sighed.

She laughed evilly and pointed at the whiteboard, "Then tell me what does this mean Ms. Toski!" she had a devilish smile.

"Spiritual Education" I said with a straight face.

"No....I mean what is the topic!" she wined.

"A topic dealing with Spiritual Education" I smirked.

Henry smiled proudly raising his hand and she acknowledged him. "It's types of Seishin!" he exclaimed.

"Finally....someone is paying attention in my class" she sighed.

"I'm paying attention!" Hana smiled.

"Please stop lying to please me, Ms. Yasei" Rain glared at her.

"Sorry" Hana pouted.

Ryan raised his hand and covered his mouth. His cheeks were puffed up and blue. She allowed him out of the class then we heard a loud explosion outside.

"What the?!" Miku became frightened.

Rain smiled nervously scratching behind her head, "I guess it his shishki ji" she laughed nervously.

"What's that miss?" Veronica asked.

"'s like puberty for Doragans so he will be having energy balls coming out of his mouth randomly and his-"

He came back looking scaly and green.

"-skin will look like that" she said shaking her head.

"Ew!" Miku screamed covering her eyes.

We looked at Kairi's chain glowing and he also ran out the class with Ryan.

"Weird people in this class" Aliyah chuckled.

"Don't say that about my Kairi!" Miku said angrily looking at her.

Rain slammed a large metal object on the ground and made a loud sound making the class become quite again. "Geez.....this generation of teenagers" she said looking annoyed.

"Sorry Mrs. Stevenson" everyone said feeling guilty.

"You guys are lucky you all look adorable" she said folding her arms.

"I'm adorable?!" I smiled.

"Except Diana"

"Awe!" I said stamping my feet.


"Food food food wonderful food!" Hana purred watching into the cafeteria with me.

I glared at her then my nose twitched when I smelled then delicious vegetables in the trays. She drooled also looking at them and the meats. I smiled proudly taking out my credit card mom gave me when I turned 16. Her eyes sparkled looking at it and bowed before me.

"Oh....great Aunt may I use it" she smiled softly.

"Where is your money?" I asked folding my arms.

"Well.....I spent it on an upcoming BTS concert in Korea then....I spent it on a very important item I needed for survival" she smiled nervously.

"Which was?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"Um.....a Dragon Ball limited jacket" she said quickly.

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