Chapter 41 - Majo Family Quest part 3

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??? POV

I chuckled when I saw the Yasei family coming out of a carriage then walked to the Royal castle gates. I smiled looking at the Chief, her husband and children tied to chairs with magical vines and their mouths were covered with cloths. She struggled trying to escape and attack me. I casted a freeze spell on her then her daughter started crying staring at her and her son and husband got really angry trying harder to escape.

"A beautiful family to my collection would please my family," I smiled softly. I looked at the Yasei family going into the castle then smirked rubbing my chin. "I guess two families would be better" I said while a magic ora surrounded my hands.


Hana POV

Once we entered the Royal castle, darkness surrounded us then grandpa covered me and Rusty. Grandma and dad disappeared into the darkness and I heard dad screaming.

"Dad!" I screamed trying to find them but there were no signs of them.

Grandpa grabbed my hand and Rusty tried to create a light with his magic but it kept having glitches.

"Crap.....Mr. Lawrence is gonna kill me if I made his daughter die" he said angrily.

"I'm sure this is an illusion" Grandpa sighed.

We heard weird noise around us then some hands grabbed my legs and tried to drag me with them but Grandpa and Rusty grabbed my hands.

"Don't let go!" I cried.

"We won't!" they exclaimed and dragged me to them harder.

I controlled water to the hands and froze them then Rusty broke them off my legs. I was finally free from those hands then I sat down breathing heavily.

"Thanks" I spoke softly.

"No problem" he sighed.

I looked at Grandpa staring at me worriedly and clenched his fists. "I can't lose you, your grandmother and father" he said in a shaky tone.

"Maybe it would be easier if you give me back something you stole from my family" we heard the witch say.

"What did we take from you?!" he asked angrily.

She laughed and creepy eyeballs appeared around us. "Your precious wife got pregnant too early and became sick. You came to my aunt from a little potion that would help but you stole a magical gem that did save your wife in the delivery of your son but it belonged to us!" she screamed.

"I did not steal it, she gave me!" he said clenching his teeth.

"You will regret back talking to me!"

Rusty and I fell to our knees when we started feeling pain in our chests.

"What did you do to them?!" he asked looking around trying to find her.

"You see....these young children are very precious to you, especially your granddaughter" she finally came into her sight.

He punched her on the face but it didn't move and she looked at him with an emotionless face. She grabbed his neck and choked for some air.

"Goodbye Mr. Yasei" she smirked.

Grandma appeared from the darkness with dad and pushed her away from him. Dad ran to me and Rusty and she attacked the witch.

"How dare you hurt my family!" she said angrily.

The witch chuckled wiping the blood off her own face then looked at her. "You are nothing without magic" she said boldly.

Grandma kicked her in the stomach then she choked out blood. "I don't depend on my magic, you useless bitch" Grandma said with an emotionless expression on her face.

Yus! She's gone Badass mode!

Her teeth sharpened and her cat like eyes shun while she swept the witch's legs then kicked her head when she fell. The witch tried to escape but Rusty and I grabbed her hands.

"Hollis you may kick the meany lady" Grandma smiled innocently.

Dad smirked kicking the witch in her stomach many times and bit her hand. She screamed in pain then her magic on us became weaker. Grandma turned back us normal and I froze the witch's body then Grandpa kicked her causing her to break into many pieces like glass.

"That was harsh" Rusty smiled nervously.

Dad blushed extremely covering his naked self with a curtain in the large living room in the castle.

"I forgot about that" she laughed nervously.

I giggled showing them the baggy clothes on me and the long sleeves covering my arms.

"That's cute!" she ignored dad then quickly took out a camera and took pictures of me.

"These are getting too tight" Grandpa sighed looking at his clothes.

"Go shirtless, it's always a beautiful thing for the wind going against your chest and abs" Rusty smiled proudly.

"No thanks" Grandpa glared at him.

Time skipped....

We helped Katsuko and her family out of the magical vines and comforted Anabelle after mom casted some clothes on dad. Grandma broke the freeze spell on Katsuko.

"I'm so glad everyone is okay" her husband, Kenya smiled softly.

"It's nothing really" we said in sync.

A beautiful bird came on his shoulder and he petted it. Jared smiled nervously looking at us, "He's actually a sweet and wise guy if you ask me" he laughed weirdly.

"When the root is deep, there is no reason to fear the wind" Kenya bowed.

"Thanks?" I became confused.

Katsuko screamed hugging his muscular arm. "Isn't he the sweetest guy ever?!" she rubbed her cheeks when she blushed.

"Yeah" I laughed.


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