"It's really you?"

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I manage to slip out our front door and after a 5 minute walk I'm at the door of Quincies Café. I take a deep breath and fix my hair, not quite ready for what I'm about to do.
Table 9, table 9, table 9
What if she doesn't like you? table 9. What if you have nothing in common? table 9. What if it's awkward? just remember, table 9. What if she doesn't turn up? it's table 9, right? What if...

The voices in my head can be too loud for even me sometimes.

I fix my hair again, hold my head high and walk through the door, pretending to be confident. I look to table 9 and see the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my whole life, she looks mystical...

She's wearing big, rounded glasses, which circle her eyes; green with a fraction of hazel (heteracromia iridium; different coloured eyes) they're round and sweet. She's wearing a white nasa t-shirt that says 'I need more space' and a pair of black jeans, with converse (coincidence or what?!) she even has a pink, purple and blue bracelet almost exactly like the one I have at home.

I stumble up to table 9, where she stands up and gasps, we look into each other's eyes and immediately hug. "It's really you?" I ask, nervously, "it's really me. Is it really you?!" She asks, I can tell it's her by her sweet little accent "it's me". I realise then that I have tears rolling down my cheeks, I quickly wipe them away, but they keep coming, these are tears of pure happiness and joy.      

Authors note:
Sorry for the really short chapter, but I wrote a really long one and decided to split it in two, so the second one will be up pretty soon. thanks for reading Xx

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