"Quick, in the closet!"

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Unfortunately, it can't last forever, "I have to go home, Gracie, it's already 5:00, mum will be worried and angry that I haven't come home yet," I frown, expressing how much I'll miss her, "ok then..." She says, "wait a minute... I have an idea... just listen to me and do as I say, ok?" She looks apprehensive, but I can tell she trusts me as she holds my hand softly in hers.

"Ok, all you have to do is climb through the kitchen window, when you hear the door open, and sneak up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible, got it?"
She hesitates, then seems to decide, "yes... door open, climb, then sneak quietly and quickly!" Gracie replies "just one question..." I nod "where do I go once I'm upstairs?!" I giggle at my stupidity, I didn't even tell her where my bedroom was! "At the top of the stairs, go right and to the second door" I say, then add "be absolutely sure that it's the second one, ok?!" She nods "are the other ones your siblings rooms?" She questions "smelly, dirty, messy pigsties more like!" I joke, and we giggle together

I knock on the door while Gracie jogs up to the kitchen window "COMING!" I hear mum shout from inside the house, she opens the door and starts rambling on about how worried she was, and it must have been a very long walk missy! And why did you take so long? I had stopped listening at that point though. I could see Gracie sneaking anxiously up the stairs, mum was about to turn around. Uh-oh. I grab her arm "what's this for, Griff?!" She demands. Crap. What is it for?! It's for Gracie... "You forgot... Umm... You forgot to get the post, mum." I say, shooing Gracie with my hands "oh yeah... Griffin, what the hell are you doing now?!" Shooing Gracie, duh! "Um... A f-fly was just there, yeah... A fly." I stutter. She rolls her eyes and steps outside to get the post. I run up the stairs to my room. "Oh, thank god for that!" I sigh, wiping my forehead in mock exhaustion. "Gracie? Gracie? Gracie? Gracie?!" I whisper-shout she emerges from my closet and we both roll around in fits of laughter because she comes out with a huge floppy, straw hat, a bright pink hoodie, grey-blue jeans, one purple sock, one yellow, one flip-flop and one wellie boot. (I know right, totally normal! It's the new fashion, don't you know?!) There's three sharp knocks on the door and I can tell it's Elliot, that's his 'signature knock' if you will. "Quick, in the closet, it's my brother!" I whisper over to Gracie 'O.K' she mouths back. "Come in, then!" I call out to Elliot, he bursts into the room with a quick flourish of his arms "h-hi E-elle!" He notices my stutter and asks; "why are you acting weird? What are you scheming in here, you little rascal!" He jokes, I force a stiff laugh. "Ha! Nothing much, just homework..." He nods "toootally just homework." He says sarcastically "anyway, the reason I came in here was to borrow some clothes." Crap! Why me, for god's sake?! "Yeah, sure... What did you want?" He reaches for the wardrobe "I'LL get it!" I try to rescue myself from being discovered "No, it's fine, I know where it is!" Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap, crap! "NO!" I say, but it's too late, he's in already.

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