Jamilton Soulmate AU (Part 1)

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Where you can't see any other colour than your soulmates favourite colour until you realise you're soulmates(it sounds weird but)
Alexanders POV
"Mr Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton" I introduced myself to him and offered my hand trying not to grimace at the fluorescent magenta he wore
"Mr Jefferson Welcome Home!" Exclaimed most people in the room me excluded.
I waited for them to finish welcoming Jefferson and because of where I was stood I had to stare almost directly at where Jefferson was getting swarmed and I could still see his bright magenta attire just thinking about wearing that all day gives me a headache. After he'd been freed from the clutches of the people he made eye contact with me and walked directly towards me never looking away though wincing at my 'green' clothing- I'd been told it was green anyway- he thinks green is bad I thought he should see his magenta outfit.
"Mr Hamilton," he said
"Mr Jefferson." I replied maintaining eye contact
"What is that hideous colour that you're wearing?" He questions sassily, I scoff
"Green, and before you criticise my choice of colour you should look at your own clothes!"I answered flippantly. He frowned
"There's nothing wrong with magenta! And how come you can see it anyway!?" Jefferson practically shouted. I rolled my eyes in annoyance god he needs to shut up (like you're one to judge Alex). I pretended to think about what he just said and retorted sarcastically,
"I don't know maybe I'm your soulmate."
He sneered at me
"You wish half pint! If you were my soulmate I'd probably kill my self!"
And just then the world burst into colour I paused in shock and Jefferson looked at me in anger
"WHAT THE FUCK HAMILTON!" He screeched at me and Washington interrupted our conversation
"All right calm down boys!" Jefferson was seething and it finally sunk in
Thomas Jefferson is my soulmate


This is not finished or edited! So I'll make a part two because it's only short! - Sophia

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