Happy Memories

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Two Hogwarts students stood across from each other in an abandoned classroom. It was several hours past curfew but they were determined to accomplish just this one charm. The bushy, brown haired witch stood with her shoulders back and her wand in her hand as she looked confidently and convincingly at the white-haired wizard who was sitting on one of the desks.

"Here," said the former, "I'll show you again." Hermione pointed her wand at the empty space between her and her partner. "Expecto Patronum!" she said. An otter made of wispy blue light bounded out of her wand tip and around the room.

Draco raised an eyebrow at her, "Are you sure that's an otter?" he said, grinning. Draco left his spot on the desk and came over to Hermione, wrapping his arms around her waist, "It looks more like a ferret to me."

Hermione broke down in laughter and put her forehead on Draco's chest. Draco rested his chin on Hermione's head and chuckled. When Hermione's laughter ceased, she looked up at Draco and said to him; "Let's see yours then; maybe a ginger cat will pop out of your wand."

Draco's smile faded, "Hermione, we've been trying for hours and I still haven't gotten it. I'm practically the only one in our year who hasn't conjured a patronus charm. Let's just call it a night."

"No, Draco." Even though Hermione was tired, she wasn't ready to give up, "you just need to concentrate harder. The key to producing a patronus is—"

"Is to focus on a happy memory, I know, Hermione." Draco released her and paced around the room, running a hand though his platinum locks. He turned around and faced her, leaving about ten feet between them, "We've gone over it a hundred times. I can't do it."

"Yes, you can," said Hermione, trying to close the empty space between them, "Let's just try one more time and then—"

"No, Hermione, you don't understand," Draco grabbed her hands tightly, "I actually can't!"

"Why not?!"

Draco's grey eyes dropped to the floor. Quietly, he answered, "Because I don't have a happy memory."

Hermione stared at him for a few moments. She found it slightly hard to believe that Draco had no happy memories. "How is that possible?" she whispered.

Draco looked back up at her. She saw that his eyes were slightly glistening with tears. "I can't remember a time when I wasn't terrified of my father, or guilty for disappointing my mother, or worried that You-Know-Who would hurt someone that I care about," he paused, "Or angry that no matter how hard I tried to change, people would always see me as the one they knew would become a Death Eater."

Hermione looked sadly at him, then let go of his hands and put her wand in her pocket. "Okay," she said, "Fine." She began walking towards the classroom door.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked, his voice still shaky from his tears.

Hermione looked over her shoulder at him, "C'mon; let's go."

Draco followed her out the door, down the halls, around several turns, up a few flights of stairs, and down another corridor before finally asking, "Where are we going?"

"The Room of Requirement," she said flatly. She finally stopped at a dead-end and stared at the wall. I need a place to make a memory, she thought.

"What are we doing here?" Draco asked.

"Just wait a moment," Hermione answered, still watching the wall. Soon, the gothic design of an old door was beginning to etch itself into the wall. The design became a real door and Hermione pushed it open, taking Draco's hand and leading him into the Room.

The room was about the size of an average class room. But the size was where the similarities ended. It looked like a fairy's paradise. The floor seemed to be a grassy forest floor and beautiful oak trees were scattered throughout the room and stretch high into ceiling, that was bewitched to look like a never-ending dark night sky. White strings of Muggle Christmas lights zig-zagged through the trees, giving the illusion of fake stars.

Hermione smiled, pleased with what the Room provided her, and led Draco to a clearing in the trees where a small table, that would typically be placed next to a bed or a sofa, with an old-fashioned radio was placed.

"Is now a good time to ask, Granger?" Draco asked.

"Go ahead," Hermione grinned.

"What are we doing in here?"

"You said you didn't have any happy memories," Hermione flicked her wand at the radio and a romantic, slow—but happy—tune came flowing out of the speaker. She grinned even bigger, "So we're going to make one," she held out a hand to him, "Will you dance with me?"

Draco smiled. He didn't think it was possible for him to love her any more than he did then. He took her hand and pulled her close. Hermione placed one of her hands on his back and kept her other hand joined with Draco's. She tucked her head under his chin and she felt his arm wrap around her waist. The couple danced under the artificial starlight until the song ended. Once the song was over, Hermione looked up into Draco's pebble grey eyes—his beautiful, fathomless eyes that saw her like no one else did—and said to him, "What matters is that you did change. Whether people see that doesn't matter in the least. I know that you changed. I knew you could and you did. That's what matters."

Draco's heart could have burst. He smiled at Hermione then leaned down and kissed her. His lips were so soft; Hermione almost couldn't believe it. Even after millions of kisses from Draco, she never ceased to be amazed. Their lips moved in perfect synchronization. Draco released her hand and her waist and reached up to cup her cheeks. His thumbs caressed the spots under her eyes.

When they pulled back, Draco dropped one of his hands from Hermione's cheek to his pocket and grabbed his wand. As he rested his forehead on Hermione's, he pointed his wand at the clearing and whispered, "Expecto Patronum." Wispy blue light erupted from his wand and flew around the couple; soon taking the form of—.

"A fish?!" Draco said, as Hermione collapsed against him in a fit of laughter.

AN:    Please ignore the title of the song that was chosen for this scene.  I knew I wanted to use a song from Harry Potter and I thought this was perfect.  If you have a suggestion for a song that would be better to use, please let me know in the comments.  Don't forget to vote, follow me, and spread the word about my stories ;)

                                 Thanks, Fangirlravenclaw

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