Forever Yours, Your Ferret

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Hermione's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun shone through her bed curtains.  She yawned, wiped sleep from her eyes and smiled; today was her birthday.  She was sixteen! In the Muggle world, sixteen was a big deal, but in the wizarding world, everyone was mostly waiting for seventeen.  She was officially one of the only fifth years who was sixteen.  Hermione loved being older than nearly all her friends.  While she was born in 1979, most everyone else in her year was born in 1980.

    The smiling witch lifted her head from the pillow and pulled back the scarlet drapes on her bed.  The four other girls that Hermione shared a room with were all gone; down at breakfast.  That didn't bother Hermione however.  It was her birthday after all; she didn't need to be up early.

    Hermione turned her head towards the nightstand so that she could read the time on her clock, but her eyes fell instead on the small green gift bag with silver tissue paper.  Hermione grinned again.  She knew of only one person who would give her a gift wrapped in those colors: Draco.  She threw her legs over the side of the bed so she was now sitting on the edge, and reached for the present.  She excitedly pulled out the pieces of shimmering paper, eager to see what her boyfriend had sent her.

    Once all the paper had been removed, Hermione looked in the bag and saw two items; a small scarlet box and a white envelope.  Being her overly curious self, Hermione reached for the box first.  She delicately opened the lid and gasped at the gorgeous silver ring that glimmered before her.  The ring appeared to be made of three silver strands that were braided together. But the ring wasn't the only thing in the box.  There was also a tiny slip of paper.  Hermione slipped on the ring, admired it for a moment, then read the paper.

                Don't forget the card, you curious little thing.

                                --- Draco

    Hermione smiled and blushed.  How did he know her so well?  Hermione took the gift bag and pulled out the small envelope.  She opened it and pulled out a white card with Draco's neat handwriting on it.

                Good Morning, Love,

                    I wish you nothing but the best on your special day.  May your birthday be filled with all things as lovely and spectacular as you.  May today bring you as much joy as you bring me every day.  I hope you like the ring.  I saw it and it seemed strong yet delicate at the same time, just like you.  If I could have, I would have gotten you the brightest, most alluring gem on Earth, but I'm afraid such beauty only exists in your smile.  Happy Sixteenth, Darling. I love you.

                            Forever Yours,

                                Your Ferret.

    Hermione placed a hand over her mouth as her eyes filled with tears.  No matter how many times Draco poured his heart out to Hermione, it always had the same effect on her.  Gosh, she loved him. She put down the note and stared at the beautiful ring on her finger.  As a single tear slid down her cheek, Hermione heard quick footsteps pounding up the stairs.  Hermione wiped her eyes dry and quickly put the lovely card back in its envelope just moments before Ginny Weasley threw open the door to the fifth-year girl's dormitory.

    "Hey Birthday Girl!" said Ginny as she jumped onto the bed, right beside Hermione.

    "Hi Ginny," Hermione smiled.

    "You gonna come down for breakfast?" Ginny said, tugging lightly on Hermione's hand.

    "I don't know," Hermione dramatically lay herself across the bed, "I might just stay here all day."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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