I'll Be There to Catch You

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Hermione ran her fingers along the spines of the books on the top shelf.  She had been looking for the same book for over half an hour.  Hermione needed to find a book on becoming an animagus for an extra credit project for Transfiguration but she had forgotten to get a pass from Professor McGonagall so that she could access the restricted section of the library.  Thus, she was forced to search the nonrestricted part of the library.  Hermione was one of the only people left in the library, due to the fact that the library was about to close.  And, well, not many people went to the library very often.

    The section of the library Hermione found herself in was dimly lit because it was one of the far sections of the library that you could only find if you weren't wondering around aimlessly.  In the corner of her eye, Hermione thought she could see a moving figure, but she brushed it off and continued looking for any possible book she could use to complete the assignment.

    It wasn't until she heard someone cough, that she turned around.  A scarlet blush spread across Hermione's face when she saw that the person standing a mere four feet away from her was Draco Malfoy.

    "Hi Hermione," Draco stuffed his hands into his pockets.

    Hermione's blush deepened at the sound of her name on his lips, "Hello Draco."

    "What are you doing this deep in the library?" Draco took a few steps towards her.

    "I um--," Hermione's words caught in her throat, "I was looking for a book on becoming an animagus."

    "Ah, so was I," Draco said, "I assume it's for McGonagall's extra credit?"

    Hermione nodded.

    "I'm doing the project as well."

    Hermione nodded again, then glued her eyes to her shoes.  Draco let out a shaky breath and they were plunged into a painfully awkward silence.  Hermione couldn't help but think of the recent events that caused the pair to act so nervous around each other.  There had been an awkward romantic tension between the two of them for months, ever since the night of Slughorn's Christmas party.

    Hermione left the Christmas party in a huff, silent tears running down her face.  She couldn't believe that McLaggen had the nerve to say those things to her.  First, he obnoxiously flirts with her nonstop, and then he goes and insults her.  As Hermione rounded a corner, she ran headfirst into her best friend's arch nemesis.

    "Granger, what are you--," Malfoy said angrily, but his expression softened when he saw her tears, "What happened? Are you ok?"

    "None of your business, Malfoy," Hermione furiously wiped away her tears, "I'm fine."

    "No, you're not, what's the matter?" It sounded more like a demand than a question.

    Hermione didn't know why Malfoy was suddenly concerned with her well-being but she rolled her eyes anyway, "I was at Slughorn's Christmas party with McLaggen; I only brought him so that I could annoy my friends. I knew he would accept because he's been sickeningly flirting with me for weeks, but he kept scowling like he wasn't having any fun. Eventually, he left because 'I looked too horrible to be is date'.  It's not like I care about his opinion but it still hurt."

    Draco clenched his fists and then marched in the direction that Hermione come from.

    "Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

    "I'm going to hex the bastard," Draco turned towards her.

    Hermione chuckled, "Don't worry, Harry already took care of that."

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