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As the creature left the hospital, it looked back and waved at Hank's mom.  She smiles, yet didn't say a word.   Officer Rick headed to James house.   As he was driving he noticed a large shadow on the front of his patrol car.  He began to slow down as he observes the weird looking shadow of a weird bird with small wings.  He notices that as he slowed down, so did the shadow, as he speeded up, so did the shadow.  Not knowing what was above him, Officer Rick continued on his way to Jame's house. When he arrived and began to pull up to the driveway, the shadow suddenly disappeared.  

Officer Rick walked to the door then knock, twice, "Knock, Knock"  in seconds a teenage boy with freckles and red hair answered the door.   In a voice tone, "Hey, Officer Rick what are you doing here?" he asked as he opens the door.  "Can I come in a second, I need to ask you some questions," said Officer Rick as he pushes the door open and enters the premises.    James moved out of the way nervously, then closes the door behind the officer.  "I'm not allowed to let anyone inside the house while my parents are gone," he said as he followed Rick around.   Rick entered the living room and sat down.  

"Don't worry, I'm a police officer, I'm pretty sure you won't be in any trouble," said Rick with a grin.   "Well, if you say so.  What do you want?" James asked as he sat next to him.   "Well, someone hurt Hank.  Do you happen to know anything about that?" asked Rick  "Who's Hank?' asked James  "Don't play with my intelligence, you know damn well who's Hank.  Yesterday you and a couple of your friends decided to visit him.  You know the new boy, in Robinson's old house.  Well according to someone in the neighborhood, you and four others, inviting him fishing.  Now I'm going to ask you again.  What happened to Hank?' said the officer with a very serious look.   

"Oh, that boy, I didn't know his name was Hank.  I wasn't the one that invited him, it was the other guy's idea," said James as he put his head down.   "Really, now you seem to know a lot for someone who doesn't know Hank.  Give me the names of the other boys now, or I can arrest you and hold you responsible for hurting Hank." said Officer Rick with a big smile   James' eyes got watery, "Look, I didn't do anything.  It was Frank, he bullied him.  We went fishing and the kid had some gold jewelry on. Frank decided that he wanted his gold.  The moment he said he was going to rob the kid, I was out of there.  I told them I didn't want any part of that and left.  Whatever happened to him, after I left, I don't have no clue." explained James who was not afraid to go to jail.   

While James is telling the others, every single word he said, the demon heard loud and clear. "What are their names?' The officer asked again as he stood up from the sofa.   "Lou, Frank, Leroy and Larry," said James as he also stood up.  "You better know that I will be telling your parents about this,  pray that Hank pulls through.  I need to go pick up a couple of ass hole teenagers." said  Officer Rick as he walked towards the front door when suddenly the wind blows the glass to pieces and the demon entered, "James, is your name boy! Hope you know you'll die today!" said the demon as he instantly changed into a large white werewolf.  As he was transforming, Rick grabbed James by the arms, 

"Run!" he said as James ran out the front door.  The werewolf began to slam the obstacles that were blocking his way and headed for the door.  Officer Rick began to shoot him in the back, stopping him from running after James.  "Why don't you mind your business! Fuck off!" said the werewolf as he grips Rick's face then lift him up into the air and slammed him across the room.  Rick hit his head on the wall and passed out cold.

Then the werewolf began to follow James scent.   James was still running without looking back, he was terrible for he hates anything that had to do with werewolves.  He was scared to death of them and no one was trying to tear him apart.

He tired of running to his neighbors, but when he looked back he noticed the beast was too close to him.  He began to screamed for help as he ran down the street.  Everyone was working and those who just didn't bother or care.

 When he reached the creek, he realized that there is no way he was making to safety.  He had to hide somewhere.  He quickly climbs a large apple tree.   He sat there looking around in a panic.  "My god, I'm so sorry for what happened to Hank, please don't let this thing kill me.  I didn't hurt anyone, please God," he muttered as he sat in the tree.  The prayers were like an echo that travel through the wind into the demon's ears.  The werewolf quickly headed in that direction.

He stood underneath the tree, "Hey, James is your name right?" asked the demon   James didn't answer, he figured that maybe if he did talk the talking werewolf will go away.  "Look, boy, I know you are there.   So, come down here like a good boy, or I'll go up there and rip you to pieces!" yelled the demon in a strong frightening voice.  "Why does it matter, if I go down there you still going to eat me, kill me, or turn me into a werewolf like you!" yelled James from the top of the tree.  "Boy, get down here now!  You know you been watching too many werewolf movies.  One minute, that's all you have!" yelled the demon   James slowly climb down from the tree, not trying to look at the werewolf's face.

"I heard what you said, that you didn't hurt Hank.  So, I'll let you live on one condition." said the demon  "What is that?' asked James still looking down  "Look up boy!  The ground is not the one speaking.  Make up your mind now, show me where the boys live, or die right this minute?  What will it be?" asked the demon in his creepy voice   "You sure you'll let me live?" he asked as he looked up at the werewolf who was about three times his size.  "Look boy I'm really not sure of anything, I'll let you live, just make sure you don't piss me off for any reason what so ever, sorry but I do like to take souls." explained the werewolf as his body began to transform back into the horrible looking creature that he was.   

"Fine, I'll show you come with me," James said as he began to walk away.  "Where are you going?  Get back over here now!" yelled the demon  "I was going to show you." muttered James  "You like climbing trees, now climb on my back and point me the way." said the creature as he kneels down as James climbed abroad.  

Officer Rick was coming through when he saw the creature fly away with James.  he quickly stood up and ran after them, without any luck.  He watched as they flew away.  "What in the world was that?  This is not happening, not to me.  That shit looks like a demon of some sort. Shit, the other boys could be in danger." he said   Then he quickly jumped into his patrol car then tried to follow the creature in the sky, which was very difficult, because, in less than a flash, the thing in the sky vanished along with the boy. 

"Lou, lives there," said James as he pointed at Lou's house.  The demon quickly flew to the roof of the house and placed James there.  "Stay here, I'll be back for you when I'm down," it said as it flew away.    James quickly tried to look for a way off of the roof.  But every time he moved, he felt like he was going to fall, so after a while, he stopped trying and just sat there.

The creature stood in front of the house's door.  He clapped his hands and the wind and vibration were so strong that the door flew opened.   Lou was sitting on the sofa playing video games when he hears the loud noise.   When he looks at the front door, he saw a large lion about as big as an elephant.  Lion isn't supposed to be that big, Lou thought as he quickly tried to run into the closet when the lion reached on his neck and slammed on the floor, before he ripped his neck apart he said, "Hank, will be alright when you die."  The demon then ripped his skin off his neck.  The blood began to flow like a fountain.   James heard all the screams, then they stopped and he knew his friend was dead.  James was now even more scared of this thing that has captured him.   

Officer Rick arrived at Lou's house, when he saw the door off its hinges, he knew he was too late to save Lou.   "As he entered the house, and looked at the sofa, Lou dead body was sitting on the sofa with his game remote in one hand, it looked as though he was stilling playing.  "What the hell?  What kind of creature will do something like this?  My goodness!" he said as he called for backup and an ambulance.   The boy was dead, but Officer Rick had to keep going.  He needed to reach the other boys before that thing does.  He figured if he went after Lou, then the others are next.  After he calls for backup, he quickly jumped in his car and began to follow again, but this time the demon was very far away.

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