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Mrs. Scotong handed the old lady the menu, "Order whatever your heart desires.  I'm glad you're here, I haven't spoken to anyone for quite a while.  Thanks, it feels good to talk to someone." she said with a smile  "Thank you, darling, you know, I will like some coffee and whatever you ordered to eat." said the sweet old lady  "Well, this is a BLT, are you sure that's what you want?  You know you can order whatever, I wouldn't mind." said Mrs. Scotong  "Thank you, honey, but I'm a little person, the BLT will be fine.  Now, you look sad.  What's hurting you?" asked Mrs. Hanger as the waitress brings her some coffee and took her order.   

"You know sometimes, we mind our own business and someone that's somehow unhappy inside wants to make those who are happy miserable like them.  Tell me why is that?" she said with sad eyes.  "Some people are just born with jealousy and hate in their hearts, and no matter how nice you treat them it's never enough when they see you destroyed, that's when they think it's enough.  But don't worry, your son will be fine." said the old lady as she began to eat her sandwich.  "How did you know about my son?" she asked as she also continued eating.  "You haven't talked to Officer Rick?" Mrs. Hanger asked.  

"No, was he suppose to tell me something?", she asked a little bit worried.   "I told the officer what I saw, and I saw those boys in the neighborhood invite your son fishing.  Officer Rick said he would look into it.  But then, I haven't seen him again." said the old lady  "Well he did tell me he had a lead.  But then he called my husband at work and told him to let me know, that these been serial accidents in the neighborhood.  He told us about the curfew.  That's something I don't need to worry about.  I haven't left the hospital in weeks." she said    Mrs. Hanger began to put away half of her sandwich, as she finished off her coffee.   

"Sweet I must get going, but I want to thank you for this wonderful lunch.  The Angels in the sky will bless you for this, I'm sure of it.  I have something here that I would like to give your son.  I hope you don't feel offended, but this is a rosary, I had it bless especially for you son.  I was hoping that Officer Rick came to my home again, but I guess he's too busy.  Bless, put it on your son.  Let him wear, it will bring him back to you." said the old lady as she handed her the rosary.

Mrs. Scotong looked up at her, something about this old lady made her feel full of life.  She felt peaceful, although she was sad she was able to smile.  "Thank you, when I get back upstairs I'll make sure I put it on him.  Thank you so much, for giving me hope," she said as she grabbed the rosary and placed it inside of her purse.    

"You are so welcome.  Always remember, you lose yourself when you lose hope.  Take care sweetie, hopefully, next time lunch's on me." said Mrs. Hanger as she smiles then walked out of the diner.

Once the old lady was gone, Mrs. Scotong thought about letting her see Hank.  She quickly got up from her chair and ran out the door, hoping to catch Mrs. Hanger  But when she stepped outside, she was nowhere to be seen.  "Where did she go?  Shit the old lady's fast.  Oh, well, let me get back to my son side." she whispered to herself as she headed to the hospital.   

When she reached the room, she was hoping her husband would come by.  But with work and the dogs, he was only able to visit on the weekends.  Mrs. Scotong didn't mind, she knew he was suffering in silence.  Seeing him like that broke her heart.  So she prefers not to see him so much, it's better that way, so she thought.

She enters Hank's room.  There was no change, he was still lying dead in a coma.  She approached him and gently placed the chain over his hand.  She gave him a kiss on the forehead.   Then kneeled done next to the bed and began to pray.  She placed her hands in praying position and closed her eyes as she prays for her son to recover.

The rosary began to glow, one bead at a time, then it stops after the last bead, the light went off.  Mrs. Scotong still had her eyes closed, not observing what just happen.

When she was done praying she lay down on a cot next to her son's bed.   After an hour of watching TV, she slowly fell asleep.  Something she wasn't able to do in days.

Meanwhile, the demon kept hearing James' stomach growl, and it was beginning to get on it's nervous.  So as it flew above looked down when it saw and hot dog stand.  The demon flew down, "You are going to give me what I want, now right?" he told the vendor who somehow was hypnotized and shook his head yes.  Then the demon grabbed James by the back of his shirt and placed him in front of the hot dog stand.  "Hurry, take what you want!  You growling is really getting on my nerves." said the demon as he watches and paralyzed anyone that passed by them.

James grabbed two hot dogs and a soda. Then the demon grabbed him again and flew away, "Now fucken eat that shit, I don't what to hear your stomach again. Now, which way do I go?" he said as he flew freely   "Frank lives to the north, about two miles." said James as he ate his food.   The demon made a sharp turn and headed north.  "Boy look down and tell me when we are there." said the demon    James finished eating,  he then pointed to Frank's house.  "What are you going to do to him?  He's really the one responsible for Hank coma." James asked  "  "It's not up to me, his fears will transform me and I don't have no clue.  But shit, I hope he not one of those that fear Freddie, cause I really had enough of that dude." said the demon as he shook his head.

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