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He came running and threw his arms around me. Thankfully, though, Kid Flash had developed new gloves for me so that he didn't turn into a giant hunk of metal again. He was crying into my shoulder, and shaking with emotion. I hate to admit it, but a tear escaped from my eye to. It felt so good to be wanted, to be loved. I hadn't felt like this for nine years.

The others looked pretty relieved, but tense, especially Caitlin. Maybe she blamed herself for me being in a coma? Little did I know it was worse than that.

I asked them what was going on, and why they seemed so nervous. They glanced at Caitlin, and she nodded.

"Bella, while you were unconscious, I had to run tests to make sure your body was working properly. You seemed healthy enough, but there's something wrong with your left ankle. The bone around the main vein seems to have been crushed at some stage, and it didn't heal properly. The bone is in about twenty-seven different pieces, all of which have clumped together around the vein. One wrong move and... the blood will stop flowing... you'll die. You have three options. 1) An amputation, 2) I could crush the bone again then reconstruct it, or 3) leave it and hope for the best." Caitlin said quickly. She sighed, and looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

"Well if I leave it I die so... which one's less painful?" I asked, trying not to let them hear the fear in my voice.
"Well, because the bone was already crushed, it wouldn't be that painful to crush it again." Caitlin suggested.
"Re-crushing it is!" I replied cheerily.

Little did I know that less than an hour later I would be screaming in agony.

The operation had been going well. I didn't know that for a fact, because I was asleep, but Caitlin told me.

Just before my operation, Barry had been called away on an Emergency Mission. He thought it would be easy, so Kid Flash (who I figured out was called Wally) stayed at Star Labs.

However, the mission didn't go as planned. When I say 'didn't go as planned', I mean it ended up a life or death situation.

The cause of the mission was a criminal who could grow and shrink at will, and had used that power to grow to over fifty feet tall and tip over a building. The Flash hadn't seen it, though, as he had thrown her on the ground and thought she was unconscious, and had just been turning to leave. The building, unfortunately, had smashed on top of Barry. Just great.

His vitals had been going crazy, and the likelihood of his death was 93%. In a desperate attempt of saving him, Julian removed my mask, and I woke up almost instantly. The pain was unbearable: immense pressure from my knee down, and a burning sensation in my ankle. I couldn't stop myself from screaming, and Julian instantly shoved a cotton tube sideways into my mouth for me to bite down on.

"I know this isn't the best time Bella, but Barry's life is in danger, and we need you to lift a - how many floors Cisco? 124? - okay an
124-floored building." Said Julian hurriedly in his gentle English accent. He looked really worried. Worried enough to make me realise what I had to do.

"Wally will run you there - it's gonna be hard, Bella, but we know you can do it," Said Cisco.
"I know you can do it."


I was sweating. The building was only lifted up about two inches so far, and I needed to hurry up - every second counted.

Cisco's words rang through my head- I know you can do it.

I felt a power I had never felt before surging through my body. I saw red, and felt every muscle in my body tense up. Then, as quickly as it had come, the feeling was gone and I was back in Star Labs. Well, not all of me.

Everything from my left knee down-

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