The Party

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1 year later...

Cisco's POV

"Mornin' bro." Said Bella, slouching into the kitchen. She flung herself down onto the couch, and turned on the TV.

"Today's the big day!" I said, standing up from my now empty bowl of cornflakes. I went over to couch, and sat down beside her.
"Yeah. I'm kinda looking forward to it," Bella said, sitting up with a smile.
"A buffet, fancy clothes, alcohol-" she said jokingly.
"Yeah, I think you should avoid that last one." I interrupted, shaking my head and smiling.
"You're not eighteen yet, and remember: I'm still your legal guardian."
"But mom, please!!" She said, mocking me.
We both laughed, rolling about on the couch. Bella's phone pinged suddenly, and she glanced down at the screen, mouthing the words slightly as she went.

It's been six months since we found out she was dyslexic. We knew she couldn't read, but, even when we tried to teach her, she struggled. She's much better now, but still finds it hard.

"Sorry, Cisco, I've gotta go with Caitlin to get a dress for tonight's mission." Said Bella, standing up and grabbing her jacket. I nodded at her, and she went out the door with a wave.

Julian's POV

"Name?" Said the doorman, raising his eyebrow a little at Bella. I think he doubted she was eighteen or over, but what she did next definitely convinced him. I knew she could lie convincingly, but what she did wasn't lying. It was acting.

"London. London Shard." She said in an English accent, admiring her fake nails.

"You're not on the list." Said the doorman roughly. He looked suspicious.

"Oh, darling," Began Bella, rolling her eyes.
"Of course, we wouldn't want to go and be assassinated, now would we? If you look on your list for a Wendy Bell - and," she said, gesturing to me,"a Kyle Odell - I believe you will find our names are on the list. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to stop wasting my time here and go and enjoy the party." With that, she lifted up her skirt, and swished into the main hall. I hurried behind her.

"Are you mocking me?" I asked with a smile, one eyebrow raised.
"Maybe I am." She replied, still putting on the English accent. We laughed light-heartedly, and Bella linked her arm into mine. I heard a buzzing in my ear, then Cisco's voice.
"Julian, Julian can you here me?"
I put my hand to my ear to respond.
"Loud and clear Cisco." I said quietly.
"Okay, good. Just keep doing what your doing. Make sure you're really social, and draw a lot of attention to yourself. We want Explotar to think you are the ones coming to stop him."
Said the fuzzy voice into my ear.
"When actually you and Barry will be behind the scenes tracking him down! Great plan Cisco." I said excitedly.

"Let's do this." Said Bella under her breath.

Bella's POV

Waiters began to walk around the large ballroom, with trays of bubbling champagne. One offered me a glass doubtfully. Too be fair, I was only seventeen. I took it graciously, and sipped it delicately as we socialized.

Julian and I were posing as an engaged couple. I had borrowed a ring from Iris to use as an engagement ring, and showed it off proudly to all the other women. Quite a few of them were there on their own, and I saw them eying Julian jealously.

A few hours later, the large table was set for a buffet. The two hundred or so guests all sat down, and began eating almost instantly. There was a lot of talking, and a lot of questions about me and Julain. When we began dating, how he proposed, when our wedding was. We lied about it as smoothly as we could.

Throughout the night, there was wine, G&Ts, champagne, and we all ended up a little bit drunk. Julian had his arm around me, and we were laughing and joking with eachother.
"Well, if the marriage doesn't work out, you know who to come to." Said one particularly drunk woman, winking at Julian. She was wearing a neon yellow mini-dress, and way too much fake tan. Her hair was almost white with peroxide.

"No, no. Just like London is the capital of England, this London is the capital of my heart." Julian said, looking at me and smiling.

Then he kissed me.

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