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"One coffee please" Jisoo said without looking up from his phone. He had a test today and was reviewing everything from his pictures.


Without looking up, Jisoo handed two dollars to the barista, then moved over for his coffee. Finally, he glanced up and forgot how to breath. Standing in front of him, was a beautiful man with long brown hair pulled into a low ponytail.

The barista flashed him a smile and Jisoo nearly fainted. Then he looked at him expectedly. Blinking, Jisoo stared right back. The barista chuckled a little, before moving the cup in front of his face.

"You ordered coffee, right?"

Jisoo blinked. Then a furious blush climbed up his face and he quickly grabbed the cup before running out. Forgetting his bag.

"Hey! Wait!" The pretty barista called out. Jisoo ignored him, determined to find a hole and die. Okay that was over dramatic but whatever, the pretty barista probably thought he was weird anyways.

A hand grabbed his shoulder and spun him around. Jisoo froze in shock before nearly falling to the ground.

"You forgot your bag" the pretty barista explained. Jisoo felt his ears burn in humiliation. Refusing to look at the barista, he snatched his bag back.

"I'm so sorry!" He cried out, bowing.


Jeonghan blinked at the cute guy in surprise. What was there to be sorry about?


"I'm an idiot, he's thinks I'm weird, I'm never going there again..." Jisoo moaned into his desk.

"What did you do this time?" Jihoon sighed, already bored.

"This time? I just met the guy and I made a fool of myself..." Then he recounted this mornings events.

"It's not that bad, Jeonghan hyung is actually pretty chill so I don't think he minded" Minghao added, joining in their conversation.

"You know him?" Jisoo asked, staring at the exchange student.

"Mm, we have a lot of classes together and he's pretty popular..." Minghao trailed off, probably wondering why Jisoo never heard of him.

"Just go back tomorrow and forget about it" Jihoon said, before returning to his textbook.

Then Jisoo glanced at his watch and began to gather his stuff. "Alright, I gotta go, see you later"

As he was walking out, Jisoo failed to hear the fast approaching footsteps coming behind him. A sudden shove had him falling to the ground. His eyes darted up to stare right at Jeonghan. Jisoo was too dazed to even assist the other in cleaning everything that fell.

"I'm so sorry but I'm late" Jeonghan gasped out before taking off again.

"Ah-ah, w-wait" Jisoo stuttered,
watching after the pretty barista. He was still sitting on the floor, dumbfounded and didn't move until he remembered that he was now late as well.


"Hello, how can I help you?" Jeonghan asked, smiling. Then he saw it was the boy from yesterday. But he went ignored as the boy refused to look up from his phone.

"Coffee?" He prompted when the boy didn't answer. He felt annoyance slowly creeping up on him as he continued to be ignored. Rude.

"Excuse me, good-looking but you're holding up the line" Jeonghan whispered, leaning in close to the boy. That seemed to have shocked him enough to garner his attention.

"Uh... Just a coffee... please..."
He trailed off slowly, cheeks dusting pink.

As Jeonghan was preparing his coffee, he tried to secretly spy on the other. The boy seemed extremely scandalized at being called good-looking. It was so cute Jeonghan just wanted to squeeze him.


Setting his coffee down, Jisoo started working on his assignments in the café. The chair beside him was pulled out before someone sat down. Jisoo shifted slightly, growing uncomfortable to be so close to a stranger. He refused to look up from his textbooks.

"Excuse me," The stranger started. Jisoo forced himself to relax as he recognized the voice. He looked up, straight into the pretty barista's eyes. You have be calm Jisoo, he thought, don't let his looks get to you. Turning slightly, Jisoo lifted an eyebrow in question.


He's not ignoring me! Jeonghan thought with glee.

"Mind if I take a seat?" He asked. The boy gave him a confused look.

"Aren't you already sitting down?"

Right...Well then.

"What's your name? I'm Jeonghan" Way to subtly change topics...

"Hmm? Oh, right, I'm Jisoo" So cute.

"You're not from here right?" Jeonghan questioned. Then Jisoo started to talk about his life in Los Angeles, slowly turning animated. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched

Without noticing, hours passed inside the café and still, they never stopped talking.

"Jeonghan," Someone from behind the counter called, "We're closing up now"

Without missing a beat, Jeonghan grabbed onto Jisoo's hand and marched them out of the café.

"W-wait, my stuff" Jisoo protested.

"I'll get it for you tomorrow" He replied, smile errupting from his face. Jisoo quieted down his protests.


Jeonghan was actually nothing like the rumours said about him. On campus, Yoon Jeonghan was called an angel with an amazing voice and serene smile. In reality, Jeonghan could more evil than the devil himself. By the time they got to his dorm, Jisoo was beet red from everything Jeonghan said. It wasn't everyday people complimented his... yeah, anyways...

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Jisoo asked, hopeful. Jeonghan paused before smiling.

"Of course"


Coffee Shop •JiHan•Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat