1. Where am I?

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You are clueless.

You are quite confused.

The only things you could ask yourself at this time was things like,

"Am I kidnapped?"

"Is this a dream?"

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, your in an um.....


Quite weird, but you kinda had to agree with the fact this elevator was pretty lit. You were kinda lightheaded and didn't remembered anything but black. You saw that you were going to the 15th floor. You felt yourself tense up as the elevator started slowing down. Then you heard a DING. You held a tight grip on your shirt as the metal doors slowly opened.....(oooo spooky....)

.... which kinda satisfied you sense it reminded you of those old black and white sci-fi movies when the mad scientist has those cool doors they walk through to enter their labs with like a bunch of smoke and old budget crap.

"Ahh sci-fi movies."

You dazed out of your fantasy and ahead of you, you saw...

A bar?


"Ayyyeee turn up!" the author of this book thought.
(☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎


(Sorry. NOT SORRY.)

Anyways, you were kinda nervous when the elevator stopped. You walked out kinda fast since you didn't want to get squished by the doors. That has been your fear ever since you were tiny.

Once you stepped out, you heard another elevator open to your right. You saw a much older lady step out.

She looked quite familiar.

She had black hair, tan skin, and a gray dress. You two didn't really talk she just walked past you.

You stood there for a good 5 minutes admiring the bar in awe. You then walked past a tank full of jellyfish which was kinda unusually, but pretty sick and straight ahead, there was a beautiful stain glass design that was above the counter which seemed to be the bartender's spot. You saw a pale, slender man in a black vest and a red bow tie just standing there watching you slowly move towards him.

"Come on in. Welcome to Quindecim.
"Allow me to formally introduce myself. I am your bartender, Decim." he bowed.

"Uh. Hi." you nervously said as you took a seat.

"Now then if you will indulge me, I must ask you a question."


"Do you remember anything just before you came here?"


"Um I don't think so. All I remember was me at school."

"Very good, thank you very much."

You noticed that the man speaking to you was very polite, had manners, and was pretty professional. You were a total geek who would get a little shy here and there. You also noticed how dull and emotionless his face was. You couldn't tell if he was happy or sad. It kinda scared you.

You gave him your attention. Meanwhile the strange lady didn't speak, or do anything. Just sat there with no emotion. Weird. However you had to ask.

"What is this place?"

"I am about to explain to you what your circumstances are. I ask that you please pay close attention."


"One, first I cannot answer the question of where you are."

Bruh uh I think naw.

"Two, we will now have you play a game.

You have never been so confused. Especially since you still have no clue where you are, why you're there, and why does that lady freak you out like bruh.

"A game?" you said.

"Three, we will have you choose the type of game by roulette."

Oh I lik- *SHUNK*.

"AH!" you yelled as the pretty stain glass design you saw as you walked in earlier seemed to now be a green board divided in nine squares with a very strange symbol on it. You started to examine it. The symbol was divided by a pole wrapped in something with one swivel going down on each side both in black and white.

That was creepy. I hope it doesn't get any creepier than this.

"Four, we will have to stake your lives on the game."


What is going on here!!!???


"Five, until the game is over you cannot leave this bar."

"Naaaawww sir I'm sorry but I GOTTA GO."

You left the room without saying anything to go back to the elevators. However, that lady really gave you creepers. She didn't move a muscle. Did she not hear?! Is she crazy?! This man wants to kill her and she's not gonna do anything about it?!? TRIGGERED

"This man must've lost his mind. Pph tryna kill me. I think not. I just wanna go-"

*presses elevator button*


*press press*



"No no no no this can't be happening right now." That was the moment you realized you were TRAPPED. (To dramatic? GeT rEcKeD m8Te)

You ran through out the bar trying to find an exit.

All you found was bathrooms.You marched back mad as ever ready for an explanation.


You officially lost it. Everything was blurry. Your heart was racing like never before. You were FREAKING OUT.

"You cannot leave the bar until after the game."

You took a deep breath before you spoke. "Well what if...

"I don't wanna play."

The lady finally turned her head to take a good look at you. You turned your head waiting for a response, but about 5 minutes later she turned away.

"I would not recommend that."

Hi there fam. This is Alexsia, the author of this book. Please tell me what you think in the comments I probably won't read them...jk I will don't worry BE HAPPY. Oh and if you liked this chapter it'd be lovely if you clicked that vote button sitting at the bottom. Ok I'm gonna go now and eat a sandwich byyyyeee.

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