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English class...
Teacher was pointing out anyone student and then that student have to tell any chapters summery .. That chapter can be if his/her choice...

Today is not my turn..

" Dalbir" teacher chipped.

He stands up and walk up to the table and start telling the summary of chapter "The Enemy"

Its something about soldiers.

I always knew he has a thing for soldiers..

His father is in army.

Now. I'm dying to see him but I can't. Because I know many eyes are on me just to check if I'm looking at him or not..

Yes.. Many of my classmates suspects that I like him.. Which is true.. But as a nerd I'm. I'm not going to let them know they are right..right?

His speech ended..I come back to His seat.

"He was looking up all the time and licking his lower lip." Chipped Gimmu...

She knew.. What I was doing .. So she us telling me what I miss.

She is awesome.

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