New Start

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"SAMARA! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" Mika yelled at the top of his lungs. Samara quickly ran down the stairs to see what Mika wanted now.
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Samara met Mika when she was a Junior in HS. Coming from a small town in Indiana. She was one of those students who couldn't wait to graduate and move out of town. To actually make some thing out of her self. That was until she met Mika. He met her in one of the media classes she took. He was a little taller than her with piercing green eyes and dark black hair that reached to his shoulders. Always had an angry look in his eyes and always radiated hate and a cold feeling from his body language. But after all that Samara still fell in love with him... thinking she could try and help him get out of that miserable pit that haunted the confines of his mind. Always thinking that people could change for the better... Boy was she wrong...
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Samara cautiously walked down the stairs. His yelling seemed to come from the kitchen. She turned the corner that lead to the dining room. Slowly walking towards the kitchen, an arm shot out from the corner of her eye. Mika's hand grabbed the back of Samara's head... yanking on her long dark hair... Immense pain radiated from her head and she started to scream.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?! " Mika yelled. using his free hand to cover her mouth. She tried to get him to lose his grip on her hair. Digging her nails into his fore arm, screams erupted from his mouth as he let go of her. She tried to make a run towards the back door, but Mika's foot tripped her. Her head smacking the floor. The pain moved from the back of her head to her face. She felt so weak, trying to find some hidden strength. But Mike beat her to the punch; grabbing her from behind her neck. Samara tried to grab his arms again. Blood was dripping from her nose and there was a gash on her forehead. He bent down to whisper into her ear. She could smell the booze on his breath. She started to hyperventilate, his words were starting to fade in a out as she began to lose consciousness. "That was a big fucking mistake... "


I woke up screaming, swimming in my own sweat. I finally realized that I was safe and it was nothing more than a fucking nightmare. I took a deep breath and looked at the clock. I noticed that the bright red lights were violently flashing 9:03 a.m. "Shit. I'm gonna be late.." I thought as I got up out of bed. No time to take a shower... So I threw on my outfit for the day and brushed my teeth and put on some mascara and my favorite shade of lipstick.

I walked out of my apartment, turned around to lock my door, I had my headphones in so I wasn't paying attention and I turned around and bumped into some one who was in the hall

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I walked out of my apartment, turned around to lock my door, I had my headphones in so I wasn't paying attention and I turned around and bumped into some one who was in the hall. I fell right on my ass. My purse and cell fell on the floor.
"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" a man with an Irish accent reached down to help me up. I looked up and the first thing I noticed were the piercing blue eyes and beautiful smile. I also noticed his green hair. He looked awfully familiar. But I couldn't place him. "Are you ok? Or are you just gonna sit there and stare at me?" He laughed a most infectious laugh. My face turned bright red and reached for his hand and he helped me up.

"Um... Thank you so much... I wasn't paying attention." I laughed nervously. I looked down and noticed that some of my stuff had fallen out of my purse. It was my can of mace and a pill bottle. I looked back up at him and got really embarrassed. and noticed that he was looking down at my stuff and was bending down to help me pick up my belongings. I tried to beat him to the punch. But I was too late. He saw my pills. A concerned look plastered across his face. I immediately grabbed the bottle and shoved it in my bag along with my mace. I looked into his eyes. There was a sad look in his eyes. "Listen... My name is Sean. I live two doors down. I am staying with my friend for awhile. My door is always open. If you ever want to talk." He looked so sincere. 

"Um... ok. Thank you. My name is Samara. I am going to be late for work. But I will keep that in mind. It was nice to meet you Sean." I adjusted my purse and walked away quickly.

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