Numb (Trigger warning)

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As I watched Samara leave, I felt this heavy feeling like something bad was gonna happen. I don't know why. But it felt that way. As I sat back down, Sally came up to us. 

"So boys... Is there anything I can get you?" She asked. Kinda felt like she was flirting with us.. She was cute... Don't get me wrong. But she wasn't Samara. 

"Check please. Oh and two to go boxes please." I snapped. She then gave us a dirty look and walked away to get the ticket and two to go boxes. "I hope Samara makes it tonight." I said to Mark. He just nodded in agreement with me. " I hope she's ok..." Mark retorted. 

"Me too" I replied.


I was dreading going into that room. Especially with both of them in the room. I finally made to the door. Jon was waiting one hand in his pocket and the other was holding on to a tooth pick close to his mouth. He looked me up and down. Which made me sick to my stomach. 

"Fuck.. You gonna love what we gonna to do you. You better keep your mouth shut about it too. Or else." he threaten. I moved passed him to face Ralph. He was sitting at his desk. He motioned me in. "Jon... Will you please come in and shut the door?" He asked. Jon complied to his demand. At this point my whole body was shaking. I haven't dealt with something like this since Mika used to sell me to some of his friends to make quick cash. My body was hoping to never experience that again.

 My body was hoping to never experience that again

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"Um.. you wanted to see me, sir?" I sheepishly asked. Trying not to make eye contact with him.. With arms crossed trying to cover myself. All of a sudden two arms harshly grabbed me from behind me.. being pulled closer to Jon's body.

"I told you that you were bad. First off you were late and you were  fraternizing with customers. Not to mention you were acting like a stuck up bitch. Yelling at me, the boss and even Sally. You need to learn a fucking lesson.. The shit we were doing obviously isn't working. So remove your clothes or else. And you better keep quiet.. If you comply you can have the week off. And better not tell anyone about this." Jon spat. I looked up to Ralph. Begging with my eyes. He got up from his chair and walked around his desk. Adjusting himself. At this point Jon had my hands held firmly together behind my back. I looked at Ralph straight in the eye. Tears were falling down my cheeks. His hand came up and wiped them with his thumb. I started to whimper again begging him to show mercy. 

"Shhhhh...Do what Jon said and remove your clothes. You're gonna like it I promise... 

"No! Please don't do this. I'm begging you..." I cried. Next thing I knew, I was shoved into the desk.. "Why me? Why does this have to happen?"  I asked myself. Then as I said that the voices came back. 

"This is your fucking fault! You fucking whore! They use you because your there. Nothing more than a worthless piece of shit."  

More tears fell as I embraced my body. "Just go numb. Like the other times." my mind told me. So I closed my eyes....

"Samara! Baby.. Where are you?" I  heard a familiar voice calling for me in the distance. Then an overwhelming scent of vanilla and the scent of baked sugar cookie. I knew right away how it was. Tears of joy ran down my face. "Momma! I'M RIGHT HERE... PLEASE COME. "  I cried reaching as far as I could in front  of me. Then all of a sudden I saw her. She looked so beautiful. Since before she was diagnosed with stage four colon cancer. I remember vividly the day she passed away. It was shortly after Mika and I started dating. My mother was the only person that I ever confided with on anything and everything. 

"Shhhhh... baby. It's ok.. Mommas here now" I hugged her and inhaled her scent and then let go; staring at her up and down. Because I knew that one of these days I would never see her again. " Momma... I wanna go home with you. I don't wanna be here anymore.. I am so broken. I have no one that wants me here anymore and I don't wanna get hurt anymore... I'm so tired and I wanna be with you and Papa.." I cried as I buried my face in her arms feeling a tight embrace.

"Shh.. baby. You do have someone that wants you to stay. I can feel him. I can see it working.. He's tethered to you... not just physically... But tethered to your Soul. He is your soulmate. "  I looked up to my mother. Seeing her eyes twinkle.. It gave me reassurance that she was telling the truth. "Thank you momma... I love you and miss you and papa everyday."  I answered. we hugged again.

"Baby.. I know your tired. But you are beautiful, smart, young woman. You have your whole life. You will be wanted, loved, and cared for. Please remember that. And also Papa and I are always gonna be here for you no matter what..."  she kissed my forehead and came in for a final hug. For some reason I had this strange feeling that I wasn't gonna see her again...

 For some reason I had this strange feeling that I wasn't gonna see her again

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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