Chapter 17

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The next morning, I woke up to my phone ringing loudly on my nightstand. I groaned and picked it up, pressing the talk button. "Hello?" I rasped, my voice hoarse.

"Come to my house as soon as possible," Sam's voice demanded.

"What-" I started, but I was stopped by the loud blaring sound of the line being cut off. I stared at my phone for a moment in shock before hanging up the call.

I rushed to shower and change into a hoodie and jeans. I quickly pulled my hair into a bun without brushing it and pulled on my tennis shoes. I dashed out to the door. As I passed the kitchen, Lee Anne called, "Quinn! Where are you going?" I ignored her and ran outside. I grabbed my bike and pedaled as hard as I could to Sam's house.

When I arrived, I impatiently knocked on the door. Sam opened the door and dragged me inside without speaking. He pulled me into the kitchen where his little brother, Micah, was lying on the floor clutching his ears. "Ow," Micah said, dragging the word on.

"What happened?" I asked, panicked.

"He was in my mom's room, going through my mom's stuff, and he found her purse. He went through her purse and found her open bottle of ibuprofen. He thought it was candy and he ate the whole bottle," Sam explained.

"Oh my god," I exclaimed. "We have to call 911." I glanced at Micah covering his ears. "What is he doing?"

"One of the side effects of the overdose are ears ringing," Sam explained. "His ears hurt from the ringing."

"Oww," Micah said again. I picked up my phone and dialed 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" the operator said.

"I would like to report an ibuprofen overdose," I said, trying to keep my voice calm.

"Where is the victim?" the operator asked. I repeated Sam's address. "Okay. We'll send an ambulance right away."

About ten minutes later, an ambulence arrived outside Sam's house. Paramedics rushed into the house when Sam let them in. They took Micah to the ambulance and Sam led me to his car. We followed the ambulence to the hospital. When we arrived, we both dashed out of the car and into the hospital. Sam followed the doctors into the ER, but then wouldn't let him follow all the way. He came back to the hospital lobby, his face full of worry and anger.

"The stupid doctors won't even let me go with him," he grumbled. "I'm the closest thing Micah has to a true father. I need to make sure he's okay."

"He'll be fine," I reassured Sam. "An ibuprofen overdose is much better than something else he could've gotten into. Plus, these doctors are well trained. They'll know how to save him."

"I hope you're right," Sam sighed.


Micah turned out to be alright.

The doctors let him go home a few days later, with careful instructions that he make sure to never eat something if he doesn't know what it is. The doctors also instructed Sam to not let Micah near anything dangerous without an adult's supervision.

Sam was incredibly happy the day Micah came back. "I'm so glad he's okay," he told me.

"I'm glad he's okay, too," I said. "Now, c'mon. We need to get everything ready for him."

We picked Micah up from the hospital at noon. He hugged Sam around the neck as soon as he saw him. "Sammy!" he cried.

"Hey, lil' bro," Sam said, hugging his little brother back.

"Hey, Micah," I said, smiling at the eleven year old.

"Quinny," he exclaimed, rushing to give me a hug.

"Slow down, buddy," I said, hugging him back. "C'mon, let's get you home."

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