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Day 32, Experiment 023
Name: Amy Oxford
Gender: Female
Current weight: 1077.85 KG (2376.252 LBS)
Time: 9:12 AM

Mr. Spark looks in the lab journal that Frederick has been keeping for Experiment 023. He hasn't seen her in two weeks. The last time he checked on her she was huge. with a weight of 219.13 kg (483.09 lbs). He has been assured by the scientists that take their pay seriously (and need it)  that it's almost impossible die due to her abnormal weight gain. But he wanted to do a final check with his nephew, Frederick, just in case.
"Freddy, my boy, the other scientists say that she can't die due to her weight gain or the affiliation to the powder," Mr. Spark chuckles, "Tell me, boy, are they correct or are these boys just trying to get another paycheck?"
Frederick sighs, "Well...they are right. But only when said subject continues to eat said powder at such a high level of fatness."
That fact has been made. He looks in the journal and see the number hitting in 1077.85 kgs (2376.252 lbs). He can't imagine how that would look like--especially after a blob. Yet he orders they test the new suit on her anyway. In the past weeks, his company has been focusing on making a perfect suit that will never break--even with someone as wide or fat as she is. He makes his way to the lab, knowing that her blob-moment would happen in a few minutes. In the lab, he sees a feeding machine--"Sir, I decided to test it on her since she was having such a rough time feeding herself."--apparently, another project the company has been focusing on. The science group noticed that Experiment 023 gained so much that she couldn't feed herself. Yet the costumers need to be able to eat food with the powder because, if they couldn't eat, one of two things would happen: either they would die, or the company would lose money and end bankrupt. But, since the machine was easy to regulate and make, now she only presses a button, and the feed machine will feed her her choice of foods.

One of the maintenance men walks over to Mr. Spark, "Spock, we've put the new suit on the lard ass." Mr. Spark fumes. "It's Spark! Spark! Not Spock! Spark!" he shouts, "One day, the world will know my name, and no one will ever DARE call me Spock or Spook or Spanks again! The world will know my name!" All of his employees stare at him in anxious worry for their boss and his mental health. He looks at the clock on the wall. 30 seconds left. "We wait 30 seconds. We will see if it holds. If it lasts, we mass produce the feeder and the suit. Frederick, stamp some creative name on it. Come on, man. Give it to me," Mr. Spark orders. Frederick wonders for a split second how he went from boy to man in under five minutes. "Eh...the Fulfeeder and...ah...Suitius Maximus," he threw out antomical humor that the others just ate up with chuckles and laughter. "She will gain 45.26 kgs (99.78 lbs) in 3 seconds," one random high-rank scientist says.

"I'm impressed that she's still alive. I commend this team of science. Your mental capacity carries far beyond mine," Spark says, dishing out one of his few compliments. They all chuckle. "That's the power of the powder, sir. As long she eats it, her body manages to cycle the fat into some form of healthy type of adipose that eats the fat and recycles it . If she stops she would die in a day." The scientist says.

"Has it been tested?" Mr. Spark asks.

"On some of the rats. Sir. It's time." The scientist says.

Mr. Spark looks over at Amy who's body is not noticeable expanding, yet the new suit didn't hold it. "You failed," He says.

"My apologies sir. We will work on it." the scientist replies.

Mr. Spark nods and leaves the lab.

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