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GORDON sat at his desk, tired and weary from this weeks cases. There were so many dead suspects popping up from rivalled gangs. It was obvious, that this was a gang war or the start of one.

"At least they're not innocent civilians," said detective Jones. "I hate to admit it, but I think we should let em have at it. Kill each other and save us the trouble of trying to catch em."

"It's only a matter of time before innocent lives are caught in the crossfire," Gordon sighed, as he opened up another file. He examined the photos of dead victims burnt to a crisp. There were more showing up, and Gordon suspected they were all connected. "I fear we might have pyromaniac on our hands. It's no coincidence that the Wild Card and Dollhouse were burnt down on the same day, hours apart. Then a few days later we're getting victims too burnt to identify."

"Should we call the batman?" Jones asked.

"No," Gordon shook his head. "He's too obvious." He then took out another file. The photos of victims were members of the Royal Flush Gang. Unlike the others, they were either stabbed or shot, in such a brutal way. There was a card of a joker found at every scene, implying the Joker's return. It had been so long since anything happened concerning the Joker. Then it dawned on him. "C'mon, let's go." He said, taking the file with him...


CHATO always stood by Lilith's side. His presence alone, was enough to strike fear into every man Lilith had a meeting with. Today, it was with what little remained of the Royal Flush Gang. Chato learned that Lilith was quite manipulative, and knew how to use her words to avoid confrontations. Her mesmerizing beauty was enough to capture every eye in the room. She was a snake in disguise, Chato figured.

"It is a pity the Joker burnt down the Wild Card," said Lilith, in a rather sympathetic tone.

"We had millions of dollars hidden in that place," said one of the men. "Now it's all gone...burnt to nothing."

"I see," Lilith sighed, shaking her head in false-dismay. "It must be hard for you all, to be without a leader–without Ace."

"We've been struggling," one of them admitted. "That money we were saving up was gunna buy us the shit we need to break him out of prison."

"What if I told you I could bring him back to you?" Lilith said, eyeing them sincerely. "I have the money. The needs. Everything..."

"What's the catch?" They weren't suspicious, but curious. Lilith had them twisted around her finger.

Chato didn't care so much for these freaks, tattooed with Spades beneath their eyes. But they were being manipulated. However, at the same time he couldn't help but feel impressed with Lilith's ability to use their weaknesses against them. And the weaknesses were being leaderless, and most-definitely penniless. They had nothing, and no one to help them. They were vulnerable. And here was Lilith: rich, powerful and offering a helping hand.

"I know we had our differences in the past," said Lilith. "You killed my men, and they killed yours...but we must set that aside and see the real threat here." She tossed five cards of the joker on the table between them. They were stained with blood. "He's killing my men, no—he's killing my family." This wasn't a lie, as those who served her had grown to replace any blood relatives she had. She devoted so many years of her life to get where she  was, and she wasn't going to lose to the Joker.

The truth held a sentimental value, and it was enough to gain the Royal Flush Gang's empathy. They whispered among themselves, discussing what they should do until they all came to an agreement. Finally one of them spoke, "We'll work for you, under the condition that you pay us up front."

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