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JASMINE was serving drinks at the bar when Lilith entered and sat down. "Where is he?" Lilith asked.

"Chato?" Jasmine guessed. "I–I thought he was with you..."

Lilith smiled, "You can't lie to me. It's all in your eyes. Now don't make me repeat myself."

Jasmine's mouth gaped as she tried to conjure up another lie, but it was impossible. But she pressed her lips together and stared boldly back at Lilith. She wasn't going to give up Chato.

Lilith gave an impressed grin, as this was the first time Jasmine had shown any form of defiance towards her. "You know I love you, my little flower." She said. "I want to keep you safe from anyone who might hurt you. And I have, haven't I?"

Jasmine nodded.

"Chato Santana just might be one of those people," she said. "I'm afraid that he will hurt you."

"He won't."

"He's hurt those he cared about before," Lilith shrugged. "He killed his entire family. What's to stop him from hurting you?"

With a cracked-voice, Jasmine said, "He and I are the same."

"No," Lilith said softly. "He is passion, and you are desire. Both create lust. And lust is a fiery tempest." She then gently placed a hand on Jasmine's as if to comfort her. "Chato doesn't love you. How could he? If he did, he'd be here. Right now. After all, what's more important to him than you? I'm always here for you, child. Chato will fall back into his old ways, he will be consumed by El Diablo and thirst for power and dominance. And once he tastes that again, you will watch from afar just as you do now."

"Because you forced him to," Jasmine snapped.

"You know me," Lilith scoffed. "I don't force anything upon anyone. I just dangle a few choices in front of them, and they choose for themselves. Whether they are wrong or right that's entirely up to them. Not me."

"If that is true then let me go," said Jasmine. "Let me leave with him. Let me have that choice."

Lilith's smile faded, as she pulled away from Jasmine. Her brown eyes glistened. She bowed her head, averting her gaze as tears dripped down her cheeks. She wiped them quickly, and batted her eyes before she looked back at Jasmine. "I...I love you, Jasmine. Why is that not enough?"

Softly Jasmine said, "It has been enough," as she took Lilith's hand. "But now I must make room for another."

Lilith furrowed her brow, as she shuddered trying to hold back her tears. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "Give me a shot of scotch..."

Jasmine served the drink.

Lilith took the shot. "Two more," she said. After she down her shots, she breathed out and nodded. "Fine...I will let you go."

Jasmine smiled, joyfully.

"But you can't just disappear," said Lilith. "You have to call me...keep in touch. I—I need to know if you're safe. And if Chato hurts you. You tell me. You must promise me that."

Jasmine nodded, "I promise."

"Good," Lilith nodded. "Now give me four more shots, and go pack your bags. I don't want you to see me cry."

Jasmine poured her four more shots, then went around the bar to kiss Lilith on the cheek. "Thank you," she said.

Lilith waved her off, and downed another shot. The moment Jasmine was out of sight she covered her eyes as she gasped, swallowing her sobs. She gritted her teeth, fighting her emotions as the whole counter began to shake and the shot glasses shattered. Suddenly the bottles on the shelf were shaking too, so Lilith stood up fast and took a breath. She calmed herself. Then shouted, "Joey! Bring the limo around!"

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