Chapter 1: Mudblood

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I'd just like to say that, *clears throat* ALL RIGHTS GO TO J.K. ROWLING!! THIS IS ALL HER WORK, NOT MINE, SO YA. And this will be the only time that I say that, because I only want to say it once. Also, this is my first story story. Please be nice on your criticism... NOW, on with the story! 

        ' I don't need help from filthy little Mudbloods like her!' Severus shouted at me. 

 For a second, I froze, not believing what I had heard. But I quickly recovered. "Fine," I said coolly. " I won't bother in the future. And I'd wash your pants if I were you, Snivellus." I was shocked. I couldn't believe that he had said that. My best friend, had called me a Mudblood.  

       "Apologize to Evans!" I heard James roar at Sev-Snape.  I turned around in time to see him with his wand pointed at Sev-Snape. 

Fighting back tears, I said, " I don't want you to make him apologize," I shouted, barely managing to hold back the tears. "You're as bad as he is..."  I heard him start to protest, to tell me to come back, but I didn't.  I walked away, eventually breaking into a run. 

 I couldn't go back to the common room, Alice and Marlene were there, and I wasn't ready to face people right now. So, I decided to go up to the one place were I wouldn't be disturbed, the Astronomy Tower.


As soon as I made it there I found a corner, and collapsed into it, finally letting the tears come. I just..I just couldn't believe that after all we've been through, he called me a.....a....... I couldn't even think it. Years, years of friendship.....broken. 

I don't know how long I stayed there, crying, weeping, sobbing. I didn't even notice someone coming up the stairs, seeing my broken figure, and coming to sit next to me. Didn't even notice them until they put their arm around me. 

I didn't even care who it was, didn't even look up. I just layed my head in their lap, and let them stroke me hair, play with it, pulling me into hug after hug. I was crying so hard that I couldn't even see who it was even if I wanted to. They didn't talk, and neither did I. I don't know how long I layed their until I fell into a restless sleep....

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