Chapter 2: My Lilyflower

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SO, this is chapter 2. Um...Ya...

(James P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe it. Here, right this moment, in my lap, was my Lilyflower. After hexing Snivellus for calling her that, that, vile word, I went back to the castle to go see if Lily was okay. I know, she just said that she hated me, but I like to think of it as a slip of the tongue. All that anger for Snivellus must have been building up inside her, and then it just exploded when she talked to me. She couldn't really hate me. No, that couldn't be true. 

Anyways, I decided that instead of wasting time trying to find her, I would just use the map. I pulled it out, and there! She's up in the Astronomy Tower. So, me being me, I decided to go up there. 

Once I reached the entrance, I was about to say something, when I heard crying. Wait, Lily never cries. There must be something seriously wrong. So, I decided that instead of saying something, I would just be there. Sounds pathetic, but hey, it worked! I opened the door, went over to her, and sat down next to her. I put my arms around her and pulled her into a hug. Man, she looked so pretty. Now, here's the amazing part, she actually let me. She let me pull her into a hug, stroke her hair, play with it, pull her close to me. She let me. I don't know if she knew it was me or not, but it doesn't matter right now. All that matters is her. 

After awhile, I heard her soft breathing, and knew she was asleep. Not wanting to wake her, I gently picked her delicate figure up, and started to walk back to the common room. I never knew how small and fragile she looks when she sleeps. Seriously, she looks so vulnerable. Like, if I wanted to, I could just drop her, and she would shatter into a million pieces. Like glass. 

Once I reached the common room, I debated where to put her. I couldn't get up into her dorm, no boys were allowed, but I couldn't put her in my dorm, that wouldn't end well.... After awhile, I decided to just leaver her on the couch. I was about to set her down when I noticed one of the last people that I wanted to see right now, Sirius. He looked down at her in my arms, then at me, and just gave me a smirk. If Lily hadn't been asleep, I would have smacked him, then yelled at him for even suggesting such a thing. I mean, she's just lost one of her best friends! Cut her some slack! 

Instead, I just gave him an evil look, telling him that now was not the time. He seemed to get the message. He moved off the couch, and stalked off to our dorm, but not before giving me another look that clearly stated that in the morning, this would be all I would hear about. 

I ignored him for now, I could think of how to avoid that later. Instead, I focused my attention on how best to put Lily down without waking her up. After a long time of debating, I finally put her down into a comfortable position, then put some blankets on her and put a pillow under her head. After awhile of watching her sleep, what she looks cute!, I finally tore my eyes away and left, but not before planting a small kiss on her forehead and whispering, "Goodnight my Lilyflower." 

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