Chapter 6: Goodbye

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Sirius's P.O.V.

I was in my dorm, a little bit mad at James for just ignoring me and then when yelling at me to leave. Then, all of a sudden, I heard shouting from downstairs. Probably some drunk idiot, I thought. Wait, I know that voice! It's Remus! I wonder what he's saying. "SIRIUS! COME DOWN HERE! PRONGS NEEDS YOU!" He shouted. 

"I don't want to talk to him." I shouted back.

"WELL IF YOU DON'T COME NOW, YOU MIGHT NEVER TALK TO HIM AGAIN!!!" Remus yelled at me. Wait, what?! What does he mean by that?! I rushed down the stairs faster than I had ever gone before, just in time to see Remus kneeling next to a body. Wait! That was Prongs! WHAT IN THE NAME OF MERLIN WAS REMUS DOING?!?!?! 

"WHAT THE HE** ARE YOU DOING TO HIM?!?!?!" I screamed at Remus. 

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!!!! HE JUST COLLAPSED!!!" Remus said to me, obviously freaking out. 

"WELL. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!?! DO SOMETHING!!!!" I screamed at him. He flinched at my harsh tone. Good, I thought. I wasn't in a good mood right now, and he wasn't helping. 

"I guess we or something....". He muttered, his tone went from totally freaking out to a scary, quiet whisper.

"WHAT IN TARNATION IS CPR?!?!" I still was screaming at him. I mean, why shouldn't I? My BEST FRIEND was supposedly dying here okay! I had a right to be angry. 

"It's a muggle method. It should help him...", Remus muttered, still using that scarily quiet tone. He began doing a series of weird pushes against Prongs' chest, all the while muttering this strange tune. After a long time of doing that, he began to lean down, as if to kiss him. WAIT! HE IS GONNA KISS HIM!! 

"NO! STOP!!!" I yelled at him. He ignored me, and bent down to kiss Prongs.

Lily's P.O.V.

I walked into the common room to the strangest sight ever. Remus was kissing a body on the ground, all while Sirius was screaming at him to stop. WAIT A SECOND! I know that person! It's Potter! "WHAT!!" I screamed out. I couldn't help it.

"Oi! Lily! A little help here!" Remus asked me.

"No! I think you're doing fine on you're own!" I replied, disgusted.

"WHAT! NO!!!" He said, finally getting what I meant. "We're's not...". He stuttered for the first time in his life.


I was in shock for a moment at all that was happening, but quickly recovered myself. "Oh! Okay." I said before getting to work. After about ten straight minutes of CPR, I seemed to realize something. Remus must have realized it before me though, because he suddenly slumped back, looking lifeless. After a pause, I did the same. Sirius seemed to be the only one that didn't understand, so in some strange way, I found some strength, and told him, "Sirius, he's dead."

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Sirius's P.O.V. 

The words hit me like a bludger to the head. I stood there, dumbfounded, in shock. Prongs, my only real brother, dead. I don't remember much of what happened next. Don't remember slumping to the floor, my back against the wall, and laying my head in my hands. I don't remember'screaming out, yelling until I lost my voice.  I don't remember, for the first time in my life, crying. The only thing that I remembered was the pain.

It was like a rock inside me, like when something hits you in the chest real hard, like a bludger. It started small, then grew, until finally I couldn't take it anymore. James was dead, and it was all my fault. If only I had done something sooner, if only I hadn't fought with Remus as much, while we were fighting, he was dying. The last thing I remember seeing before I let the pain consume me was Lily going up to James and saying, " Goodbye James." 

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