He hates you-Stefan

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His POV:

I glared across the room as I made eye contact with the schools nerd. Y/N. I hated her more than words could explain. We've tried being "civil" with each other once for the sake of Bonnie but it lasted like 10 minutes.

"Will you please stop glaring at my sister" Elena huffed as she took a seat next to me, I sighed taking my eyes off the girl looking at my girlfriend. "What's your problem with her anyway?"

"She annoys me! She's a loser" I spat and she shook her head. "C'mon Elena! You can't act like you like her all the time" I spoke truthfully.

"True but still, Stefan she's still my sister whether anyone likes her or not. What did she ever do to you anyway?" I thought about it for awhile trying to come up with at least one reason but I couldn't think of anything, I just shrugged in response getting my book out stealing a glance at Y/N who had her head on her desk.

Not going to lie I do feel bad for her but I'd never admit that. I don't really hate her she hasn't done anything to me but I try to push her away. She is Damon's girlfriend after all. Elena got up walking over to her as I watched them. Her eyes were puffy and swollen, I felt my heartache a little? Why do I feel sympathy for her?

"Well done" Elena glared as the bell rang and I gave a confused look. "You made my sister cry." She spoke softly walking away as my phone rang.

"Hello?" I spoke and Damon started to lecture me. Typical Elena must have called him. "I'm sorry okay I didn't exactly mean to make her cry! I'm sorry I upset your precious little girlfriend" I sighed pressing the end call button and placing it in my pocket. I made my way back into the building when I bumped into someone.

"I-I'm sorry" she spoke quickly picking up her books when she looked at me, she dropped her books and walked off. I picked up her books one by one taking them to her locker, I didn't really mean to snoop but I saw a load of notes. Pretty horrible ones too. I slammed her locker shut.

"Have you seen Y/N?" I asked Matt and he shook his head. I ran up to Caroline. "Caroline have you seen Y/N?" She pointed in the direction she went and I ran outside to find her sat on the steps.

"Y/N.." I spoke quietly sitting  next her slowly. "Are you okay?" I spoke cautiously and she let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Do I look okay to you Salvatore? No I'm not "okay" what do you want?"

"I wanted to apologise and- I saw the notes in your locker. Does Elena and Bonnie know about this?" She just shook her head at my question. "I'm sorry"

"Why are you apologising. What have I even done to you for you to hate me? Is it cause I'm dating your bother? Because I'm your girlfriends sister?"

"No of course not. It's none of that. I don't really have a reason but- I just want you to know I'm sorry for all the harsh words I've said in the past and you don't deserve the notes you get" she stayed silent.

"It's okay Stefan I'm used to it, I just thought for once it would stop and then you came along and it got worse.." she spoke looking me in the eyes. "I just thought you'd have an explanation as to why"

"It's just. Before I got with Elena I. As cliché as it sounds I had a crush on you, I thought you were beautiful, smart. I don't know. I suppose I got jealous when you started dating my brother." She nodded smiling at me.

"Could we- Would you ever decide to be friends one day?"

"We could now? I'm sure I'll learn to like you" I playfully joked and she smiled. "But I'd like to be friends Y/N." She grinned.

"Thank you" I tilted my head to the side wondering what she was thanking me for. "Thank you for finally telling me why you didn't like me"

"It's no problem" I laughed as the bell rang. "Come to lunch with me?" She stood up pulling her shirt down and we walked to the cafeteria to meet Matt, Tyler, Caroline, Elena and Bonnie.

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