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I stared at my best friend of 5 years and the boy I've been crushing on for 3 years.. Stefan Salvatore. I have to go through 6 hours of constant heartache every time I see them in class or in the corridors, Elena knew I liked him yet he liked her more so she went for him.. I'm happy for her she's my best friend.

"Hey" Caroline spoke as she stood next to me looking in the direction I was looking. "Oh" she spoke quietly as I watched them kiss, salty tears ran down my cheeks as I ran off catching everyone's attention as I cried in the toilets. I must have been in there awhile because by the time I came back it was already 5th period, a lesson I have with Elena, Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline. I quickly wiped my eyes as I walked out bumping into someone.

"Oh I'm sorry-Y/N" Stefan smiled and I gave a fake smile Storting out my top. "Are you okay?" He frowned and I nodded smiling slightly.

"We should probably get to class before Alaric kills us" I joked and he laughed making his way there as I stayed behind just watching him walk away I didn't realise I was crying until he was stood in front of me.

"Y/N what's going on?" The worry in his voice made my heart melt at the fact he cared.

"You wanna know what's wrong?" I took a deep breath. Might as well tell him. He nodded his head and sat down. "I like you Stefan" he looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"I-" he was lost for words but I carried on.

"I like you Stefan I always have and I know you're in love with Elena but I needed you to know before it killed me seeing you with her again. I've always been in love with you and I know you don't like me back, obviously. I know it'll be awkward between us now and you'll probably tell Elena but I-"

"Please just stop talking" Stefan laughed and I frowned. 'Am I annoying him?' "No Y/N you're not annoying me it's just.. I used to have feelings for you until you started to date Jeremy and I then dated Elena but that doesn't mean I don't have feelings for you still." I was gobsmacked.

"I-But what about Elena though..?" I whispered and he gave a soft sigh.

"I don't know Y/N.. But you need to stop being jealous all the time. It's starting to show more and more everyday" I blushed. "It's time to go we're already late." He grabbed my hand dragging me to class where all eyes were on us. I sat at the back of the class ignoring everyone's stares.

I rested my head on my arms feeling a certain pair of eyes on me. I wish I knew what he was thinking half the time. I refused to look up though I just can't look at him in the eyes and act like everything's okay because it's not. It never will be, not while he's with my so-called best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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