Ice cream

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The whole class had risen their hands in excitement. The kids were to share what they did that weekend. Every kid did but Alexandria. She usually did, but something seemed off by the child. All the wiggling children and them screaming, "Me! Me!" Was ignored. "Alexandria, what did you do?" The little girl shrugged. "Anything?" She let out a sigh. "Daddy took me out for ice cream. Mommy was tired." She gave her a concerned look. She always gave answers that were fairly simple, but made it overly complicated. "Okay James what about you?" Said Mrs. Anderson. Alexandria's mother has been depressed lately. No one knows why, but she does. When her father is working at night, her mother is screaming at night about a dead baby. Alexandria doesn't know what it means, but she knows she shouldn't tell her father. The screaming keeps the little girl up at night, which explains the little bit of purple showing under her eyes. No one saw it but Mrs. Anderson.

The bell rang for recess, everyone ran but Alexandria walked. Very unusual. "Alex you don't have to go outside if you don't want to." The little girl mumbled a thank you, and trudged back to her desk. She folded her arms on the desk and laid her head down. She fell asleep. Mrs. Anderson didn't realize until she heard sobbing five minutes later. "Alex? Alex are you okay? Alex wake up!" She said fast while she sprinted to shake her. " Mrs.A can I call my daddy to pick me up?" She says with a tear stained face. The teacher nodded worriedly and done her request. After the phone call she wrote a note. A rather long note. The basics of it was explaining the events of today, especially the crying. When she got picked up the father saw her bright strawberry face. The teacher quickly gave him a note, and the little girl quickly walked to her father for reassurance.



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