Her pt 2

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I went through the pictures, seeing exactly what I read. My heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, hot tears forming in my eyes as I continued to look through the pictures.

Oh my god...

I closed my laptop and pushed it off of the bed onto the hardwood floors, hoping that it broke.

I stared at the wall ahead of me blankly.

I can't believe my eyes.

Why is he leaving the show with HER and letting HER get into his car with him?

What if he's...cheating on me with...

No, he promised he'd never cheat on me. He wouldn't break a promise...Right?

I sat there like that for at least two hours before my phone started to ring beside me. I looked over to it slowly, hearing Bruno's ringtone.

A sudden burst of rage coursed through my veins causing me to snatch the phone and answer it.

"What?" I snapped.

"Hey babe, I'm so sorry I didn't call you yesterday or today I was really busy and I couldn't get to the phone."

"I bet you were..."

"Uhh, okay...I really miss you I can't wait to see you next month."

"I can't tell..."

"What's wrong, you seem upset..."

"Are you serious?"


"Of course I'm upset! I just saw pictures of my boyfriend getting in the car with his ex after his fucking show!" By now tears were starting to form all over again.

"Babe, let me explain."

"Explain what? There's nothing to explain! You're literally holding her fucking hand Bruno! What can you possibly say!?"

"I'm sorry..."

My heart dropped...

"S-sorry? Sorry? Bruno...d-did you sleep with her?"


Tears started to stream down my face.

"ANSWER ME! Did you sleep with her?..."

I heard soft labored breaths on the other side of the phone, he's crying.

"I'm so sorry it didn't mean anything it was a mistake babe please I love you."

I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"How could you do this to me Bruno?"

"Baby I'm sorry, please, I love you. "

"If you loved me you wouldn't have slept with her."

"I know, I'm an idiot. It was a mistake, a really big mistake and I'm sorry it won't happen again I promise."

"Yeah, it was a mistake. A mistake that just costs you me. And you're right, it won't happen again, because its over. I'm leaving you."

I hung up, wiping the tears away from my eyes.

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