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"You." I spat, giving him a look of disgust. His eyes were red and puffy, like he'd been crying and his hair was a curly mess. He looked exhausted but he's not the only one...

He just continued to stare at me.

"What?" I snapped after a few.

"I'm sorry, its just I haven't seen you in months. You're way prettier than I could remember."

I shook my head.

"Don't give me that Bruno, not after what you did. I can't believe you, I could just..." I trailed off, my rage building up again.

"I could just, kill you right now! How could you?!" I grasped his shirt, shaking him violently out of anger.

"And with her!? The one you left for me!?"

Tears started building up again.

"I hate you! I hate you!" I pounded against his chest as hard as I could.

"No you don't baby... you're just drunk." He sounded really sad and hurt.

I stopped.

"No the fuck...I'm not! Do I look drunk to you!?" I hiccupped through my sentence.

Suddenly, I got really dizzy and my vision became blurred again. I tightened my grasp on Bruno's shirt, leaning on him for support as I lost my balance.

"Lexie, are you okay?" He wrapped his arms around me, holding me against him. I was too weak to protest.

Everything started to get dark. The last thing I heard was Bruno calling my name before everything went completely dark and I blacked out.

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