Chapter Seven - Mistakes

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Amelia's POV

"This was a mistake!"

"What?" Finn turned to me, assessing my panic.

"I said this was a mistake! How could I do this!" I was on my feet in a second. I didn't care that my thighs were coated with his cum, or that I was running around the room naked whilst I looked for my dressing gown.

"This wasn't a mistake." Finn tried to correct me. He had finally caught me when I stopped to wrap the silk material around my sweaty body.

"How could you say that Finn! I cheated on Greg, and you cheated on Patricia! Bloody hell, Finn! I can't beleive I just did that... You! You need to leave!"

I pulled hastily out of his grip and moved towards the ensuite, I needed a shower desperately. Finn still remained naked standing in the middle of my bedroom, his eyes pleaded with me but I didn't look at him directly.

"You need to leave!" I cried then slammed the bathroom door closed.

"We need to talk about this Amelia! But I'll respect your need to be alone. I'll be back- because I have questions and you have the answers I need." I heard Finn speak though the door. I didn't know how long I stood there as I waited for him to leave, but after a few minutes I slid down the door.

I couldn't move from the spot, my body didn't allow me. My sobs were loud, but not as loud as the sound of my heart breaking all over again.

Finn's POV:

I didn't want to leave Amelia alone tonight, but I had too. I knew the longer I stuck around the more likely it would be that she would have a panic attack. I couldn't do that too her, and I surely couldn't ask her questions tonight about our failed marriage. It was a disaster waiting to happen.

I was lucky that I decided to drive myself too Amelia's house instead of using my driver. I didn't know it would turn into what it did, but I was glad not cause suspicion within my staff.

By the time I arrived back to my pent house I was a mess, my clothes were in shambles, my hair sweaty. I didn't know how I was going to explain myself to Patricia, I just hoped she wasn't home for once.

"Where the hell have you been Finn!" She shrieked the moment my shoe stepped over the threshold.

".. And why do you look like that! What the fuck happened!"

Yeah Finn... what the fuck just happened.

I sighed, "I got into a stupid argument with Amelia, Ohkay! I went to the park to calm myself before coming home. So just leave it Pat because I'm not in the mood."

I tried I move past her, but her perfectly manicured claw grabbed onto my arm. Surely she could smell the sex radiating me. Either that or she thought I might of got into a scuffle with a homeless man over my gold watch that I left at Amelia's house. Fuck!

"Baby, you should of just come home. I could of made you feel better." She purred.

"I'm not in the mood, Pat. I just want to go to sleep." I shrugged her off me and proceeded to walk to the bedroom.

"You never want to have sex anymore! You haven't had sex with me in over THREE weeks, Finn! It's either work or your kids! Never me, I never get any of your attention. They always get in the way of our relationship and you let them." She huffed following me to the bedroom.

"They are my kids Pat of course they are going to come first! You see me everyday, at work, at home! I see them every second weekend and after school twice a fucking week!"

I stripped off my clothes and walked into the bathroom to have a shower; Wash the evidence off my body.

"I want kids too Finn! Remember when you finally propose and after we are married I want to start a family, just us." She continued to speak and the words sounded like acid. She has been hinting for the last year she wanted to be married to me, and I had continued to ignore her. I didn't want that type of commitment with her, or with anyone else that wasn't Amelia. I had it once and it broke me, my heart wasn't healed and I don't think it ever would be again.

And kids, I knew Patricia was lying. She never wanted kids. I saw the way she turned her nose up at ever baby that was in her eye sight. She was on two forms of birth control just to prevent it, not that I cared. I hadn't dared to have sex with her without a condom, even if she was on the pill. I didn't want more children, she knew that.

"Patricia enough!" I yelled turning to face her ridged figure, "My kids will always come first. Even if we did get married it will never be just us."

I slammed the door and made my way towards the shower. Within a matter of minutes the room was full of steam and my body was relaxing underneath the spray of hot water.

I needed to talk with Amelia, I needed to see her again. I needed to know why she left.


A/N: short chapter.

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