Chapter Twelve: Stop Lying To Me

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Finn's POV

From the moment I spoke of John's name, Amelia's demeanour changed. Her worried eyes turned to scared ones. I knew when she told me that she didn't remember him it was a complete and utter lie. That pissed me off even more, why was she protecting this man!

"Now Amelia why do I think your lying to me?" I stood to my full height, towering over her small body.

"I-I'm not Finn! Yeah, I might have seen him seen him at functions and stuff but I don't know him personally."

"STOP LYING TO ME AMELIA! I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AT MADAME JULIANNA'S BALL!!" I shouted. I didn't mean to scare her, but I was sick of the lies. I deserved to know the truth. Was this why she left me?

"WHY SHOULD I TELL YOU THE TRUTH FINN! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO ANYMORE!" Screaming she also stood. Her face was level to my proud shoulders but she didn't care, cause when her head tilted upwards, her eyes were ablaze. She was mad.

"You were my wife when this happened, Amelia! And you didn't tell me!"

I grunted when she pushed me back, nearly tripping over the love seat behind me.

"You would have never believed me!" She huffed, shoving my chest again, but unlike last time I anticipated it. "You were too busy off doing god knows what, with fucking god knows who anyway!"

She started walking away from me, but before leaving the room I caught her wrist. She flinched slightly from my touch but I didn't let go.

"Don't walk away from me again, Amelia!"

"I didn't walk away from you the first time Finn." Sighing, I watched the tears stream down her face. "You did it to us. You started going on more 'business' meetings, longer hours at the office. Then I receive these fucking photo-s, a-and..." She hiccups. "You destroyed me! You destroyed this family! So let go of me Finn and leave! Because I can't do this anymore... The only thing I don't regret is my kids, but I regret giving you my heart because you left it in pieces!!"

Releasing her wrist, I stood frozen. I watched Amelia completely melt in front of me. Her knees hit the polished wooden floors with a thud. Her crying was hysterical, and all I fucking did was just stand there and watch. My body physically couldn't move, the numbness was all I felt.

The reason for being so absent in the last 6 months of our relationship was purely business. I was in the middle of taking over ownership of a large shipping company on the West Coast, hence the business trips and long hours at the office. I wanted to see this merger play out in front of my own eyes. So what photos were Amelia talking about? I had no idea.

"Amelia what photos? What are you talking about! You knew that I was taking over 'Seattle shipping', that's why I had to travel there, and that's why I was at the office so much!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." Amelia snorted.

I sat on the floor in front of her, pulling my knees to my chest, and my arms over them. It was an awkward position to be in when you are wearing a 5 thousand dollars suit, but I had plenty more of them. Amelia moved away slightly, putting more space between us.

"Talk to me, Amelia. What is going on? What photos?"

"Next time you fuck your personal assistant make sure there aren't any hidden cameras, you never know they could get back to your wife!"

She quickly got up off the floor before I had the chance to grab her. Sprinting to her room Amelia slammed the door in the face. I tried the lock but came up unsuccessful, she had barricaded herself in her room.

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