Alpha Akela

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Above picture is Akela

The Storm pack was the last to arrive in the clearing. Nova stood beside his father in the center of the clearing glancing up only for a millisecond as each pack trickled into the valley. Filtiarn had dragged Nova to the solstice meeting to pick out his first Alpha. Eyolf laid at their feet, his old age apparent in his grayed fur. Nova guessed that the old wolf would live another ten years at most. Filtiarn had spent the past few years grooming Nova to take his place. He figured if he kept feigning disinterest that his father would eventually give up however to his avail Filtiarn wasn't one to give up easily.

Even with all Nova's practiced disinterest he couldn't help but stare as the Storm Pack Alpha took his place in the center beside the other Alpha's, with a woman covered in intricate white swirls. She got to her knees and bowed so low her breath stirred a dirt cloud up with each exhale. The Alpha king looked from the young woman to Alpha Shiye. Nova nearly jumped out of his skin when the Alpha king launched at the woman snapping his jaws.

To his surprise the woman dodged knocking Alpha King Akela's feet out from under him. Nova watched as Akela slid through the dust on his side pushing himself back too his paws before he even stopped and launching himself at her again. This time he was slammed into from the side by Shiye before his teeth could snap around the woman's shoulder. The two wolves circled each other snapping and snarling. Shiye's smaller toffee and caramel colored wolf wouldn't stand a chance against Akela's much larger charcoal furred beast.  

Nova watched as they slowly stopped circling each other and shifted. Akela stood a good foot taller than Shiye. His hair a light grey with age that connected with his five o clock shadow. Regardless of how large his wolf had been, his human skin was well toned and lean. Shiye's chestnut hair fell across his brow drenched in sweat.  Akela was the first to speak. "Why would you bring a human to a solstice meeting!" He roared causing all the other wolves to flinch back, only to take two steps forward with their ears pricked up in curiosity. Nova had to admit he was extremely curious himself. 

The woman had completely captivated his attention since she arrived with the pack. She was tall and well built, her silky black hair feathered her face and shoulders ending right above her butt. Her body was curvy in all the right places and if Nova had to guess he'd say she was at least a C cup. The white swirls accentuated her curves even further. His eyes traveled her entire body unable to look away until his eyes met hers. Her eyes were a beautiful liquid caramel that glowed gold in the moon light. 

"You mean my daughter Tavia? I brought her because she wishes to invoke pack law and challenge a wolf for her right to join pack life." Shiye growled through clenched teeth staying between Akela and his daughter. Nova tilted his head in confusion. If she was Shiye's daughter why wasn't she traveling as a wolf?

"You mean to tell me one of your pups has reached twenty-one and has no wolf to call her own?" Akela snarled. Shiye's silence must have been answer enough for Akela. Nova was officially lost and completely captivated by the situation. "Spatz! Front and center!" Akela bellowed. Within a moment a small grey wolf squeezed through the circle, his tail hung low and his ears were tucked back as he crawled toward the alpha king.

Akela got a wicked look on his face as he looked down on Spatz. "You will fight the Non-shifter at the stroke of midnight! If you lose consider yourself a rogue." Nova couldn't believe what he'd just heard. He had always thought the wolves were pack creatures that stuck together no matter what. Eyolf chose that moment to whine. Filtiarn gave him a hard kick as all the Alpha's turned and finally acknowledged their presence.



I know its a short chapter I'm sorry but I felt that was a good cut off point.

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