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Tavia awoke in a field cased in a sparkly mist. The sky was bright, yet dotted with stars. She looked down to notice she was no longer in her wolfs fur, but back in her human skin. Her tribal paint a glowing masterpiece of who she used to be. Around her neck hung a collar much like the one Nova had bound her with. However this collar wasn't adorned with all the gems and extravagance, no this one was a simple chunk of gold rings melded together with a place to hook a chain. 

There was a calmness about the field that made it feel eerie. The trees and grass swayed as if there were a delicate wind tugging them, yet Tavia felt no breeze on her skin. Standing to her feet she stretched her aching muscles. Just as she went to take a step she felt a light breeze tug her hair across her face. Peering in the direction the breeze came from, Tavia saw a large white wolf. 

Much like her own wolf, the wolf on the other side of the field was incredibly massive. The wolf shook out it's fur, looking at Tavia and then back over it's own shoulder. It turned towards the tree line padding a few feet into the trees, pausing, then looking back at Tavia. 

Tavia found herself compelled to follow the wolf. They moved through the trees slowly at first, allowing Tavia to take in her surroundings. The trees were a deep vibrant green, the color she'd only seen plants glow right before a storm. A sparkling dew blanketed the entire forest in a peaceful aura. 

After a while, Tavia found that their pace was steadily increasing. The wolf began to put distance between them, going from a trot to a run, and finally a full out dash. Tavia's breath billowed out in a trail of fog as she struggled to keep up. 

Whipping by trees and over bramble bushes, she watched the wolf disappear over the top of a hill. Coming to a halt at the top of the hill, Tavia looked down into a small cove. The wolf was no where to be found. Tavia studied the cove in search of the mysterious wolf. 

The cove was delicately carved into the earth by a small stream that pooled in the bottom. The only way down was a stone path, smoothed by paw steps from hundreds of wolves. Tavia could see the paw prints molded into the smooth stone of the path. Once at the waters edge, she stared into the cool blue water. Her reflection looked back at her. 

She stared closely into her reflection wondering why she was here. The water shifted, swirling deep cerulean and violet. Tavia stifled a gasp as a woman joined her reflection in the water. She twisted, looking over her shoulder to see the same woman that was in the reflection sitting behind her. Tavia had never heard her approach. 

The woman looked to be in her late twenties. Her hair flowed in silk black waves down her back. She was draped in delicate white furs that hung off her milky shoulders. Her skin was a porcelain masterpiece, stretched over fine muscles. Her heart shaped face further accented with high cheek bones and bright blue orbs with golden rings in her irises.    

Tavia dropped into the lowest bow she had ever performed in her life. Her nose brushed the stone floor of the cove. The coldness sent a shiver down her spine. She didn't dare raise her head. Tavia could feel the power radiating off the small woman. 

"Stand child, we have much to discuss." Though soft, her voice rang with authority. The command was as airy and delicate as the wind, but solid as stone. 

Tavia rose, a tremble made its way down her spine as she locked eyes with the porcelain woman. Forcing her shoulders back, Tavia fixed the woman with a confident smile. Growing up in a pack of wolves, Tavia had learned to never show weakness. 

"Do you know who I am child?" The woman breathed, before vanishing and appearing inches away from Tavia, in the blink of an eye. 

"No Ma'am." Tavia rasped, finding it hard to speak. 

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