White Wolf

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Above picture is Nova
Tavia could almost cut the tension with a knife between the alpha king and the fey king. Though she bet Filtiarn would most likely win with the way Akela was keeping a good distance away from the fey king. Tavia stood from her crouched position and stretched her legs. She wasn't to excited about having to battle an omega from another pack just to earn a place in her own, but at least she didn't have to see the family of a wolf she beat every day.

To Tavia's dismay though she kept getting hit with waves of nausea that began to come more frequently. Tavia had always been good at hiding pain she felt but even she was finding it hard to hide how sick she felt. Though she couldn't back out now over a simple upset stomach. No. She would win this fight regardless of the butterflies doing somersaults in her abdomen. Stepping forward she gave a wicked grin at the small wolf named Spatz. "I'm ready when you are."

Spatz looked reluctant as he stepped up to face her. Giving a huff he looked over his shoulder at Alpha King Akela as if to say 'I know it's not midnight yet but can we please get this over with?' before turning back to stare at Tavia. Akela gave a blinding smile. "Alright you may begin."

Tavia began to circle Spatz watching for an opening in his defense. She dropped down to a crouch in order to be eye level with him to better judge his attacks. He seemed to think that would slow her down and surged forward nipping at her feet attempting to knock her off balance. She easily dodged and thumped his nose. Tavia was going to end it quickly but once Spatz's first strike was towards her ankles she decided to have some fun.

Spatz looked taken aback by her quick strike to his snout. Sneezing and shaking his head he growled at her. Lowering his stance he began snapping at her left and right not slowing down his assault in the slightest. Good. Tavia thought. Let him tire himself out. Tavia struck Spatz's snout every time she had an opening, taunting him more and more. Finally he got tired of her mockery and launched his attacks higher. Tavia decided that he had had enough and her nausea was beginning to hinder her speed. His jaws snapped inches from her face before he knew what had happened she had twisted and snapped his left front paw and spun him through the air.

Spatz landed about five feet away from her snapping a back leg as his body collided with the ground sending up a cloud of dust. Tavia began walking towards him only to have a wave of nausea drop her to her knees. Before she could even recover another wave hit her. She let out a scream as she felt her bones begin to shatter under her skin. What the hell was happening to her? There was no moon out, it was a new moon tonight. She could hear every wolf in the valley growl with uneasiness as her screams pierced the night. Her body felt like it was on fire. She watched her hair drop in front of her face and turn from pitch black to solid white as her bones began reforming and her skin started to stretch.

The shift felt like it took hours though Tavia knew it had been less than a minute. At some point her screams turned to growls. Finally the pain ebbed away and she lay panting on the ground. Opening her eyes she saw her paws for the first time. They were huge. Before she could finish exploring her wolf a scent hit her nose strong and powerful. Or rather two scents.



This seemed like a good place to stop. I hope you all are enjoying the story so far please feel free to leave comments with your opinions and vote vote vote especially if you love it.

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