Chapter 2

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-Abby's pov-
After laying on the floor for what felt like hours I finally forced myself to get up and head to the nurses office. Lucky for me the nurse wasn't there making it easy for me to bandage my arm without having to be questioned and forced to lie about what really happened. I stared at the fresh new cut for a moment wondering, will there ever be a day when I can look into the mirror and not look so broken? I shook my head and grabbed my bag and started heading to my 4th period class. Sadly I missed my entire history class and now I had to go to my AP English class (which really wasn't easy to get into). As I walked the hallways I saw Oliver talking with few of the popular people at school while offering them cupcakes. Silently I cursed at Oliver for treating everyone nicely while he uses me as a punching bag. I turned away just as he glanced my way with a smirk, I couldn't help but shiver with fear... Fear it's a strange feeling it can help keep you safe but it also prevent you from making progress in life because your too busy hiding. I walked into my last class (that's right I only have 4 classes) and took my normal seat in the front. I despised Ap But hell if it meant I got college credit then I was all for it. I was lost in thought until a wad of paper hit the back of my head "what the fudge?" I said angrily as I turned around to face Oliver. I internally groaned as I stared at him with a blank face. Its rare for me to show emotion I learned a long time ago that it only made him more violent. "Hello ugly poppet, you look a little beat up are you okay?" He asked in a sickly sweet voice. Oh how I wanted to just punch him, cuss him out with every awful word I knew, to cause him the pain he caused me every day. "I'm just peachy" I said through gritted teeth. I silently prayed for the class to go by fast so I could leave. I watched the clock intently and before I knew it I heard the sweet ring of freedom. I grabbed my bag and ran the hell out the classroom door and off school grounds. If I stuck around too long then Oliver was sure to get a hold of me again. When I was sure I was far enough from the school I stopped. It was a nice day outside. I had on a ghost of a smile as I stared up at the sun, its light slightly brushing my skin as if to say 'everything is going to be okay'. My gaze was suddenly caught by a certain store not just any but a cupcake bakery. I thought nothing of it as I made my way into the store. I love cupcakes more than anything and it always helped me with my bad days. As I opened the door I was greeted with a familiar voice that has haunted everyday my life since the 4th grade. "Good afternoon welcome to Oliver's Cupcake shop how may I help you?" His back was facing me so I slowly started to back away. I just dealt with him at school and now here he was working at a cupcake shop?! He sadly turned around to face me with a surprised look that slowly turned into a smirk. "Oh the fat ugly cow came into my shop, you know you should lay off the food or you'll get fatter". I tried my best to not cry but nodded "y-y-your right I guess I'll just leave then" I was more than happy to remove myself but strong muscular arms stopped me instead and guided me to one of the adorable pink chairs near the window. "Oh don't leave yet, since your already here why don't you have a few cupcakes their on the house" just as he said that he placed a plate that held five cupcakes each had a mountain of frosting that resembled his breathtaking dark blue eyes. "That's okay reall-" I was cut off by his glare "you will sit there until you finish them you pig" I almost whimpered as I took the first bite of one. I almost died from the heavenly taste but then I noticed that there was a different taste that I couldn't pin point. I payed no mind to it as I tried to finish cupcakes I just wanted to get away from Oliver I could tell he was enjoying this sight. Before I knew it I was down to the last cupcake, I wanted to puke just by looking at it- I usually limit myself to one cupcake a day and eating four was just so painful. "Don't just stare at it you loser eat the darn thing" Oliver growled as he glared at me from the counter. I gulped afraid to anger him any further and quickly stuffed down the last treat and stood up. "T-t-thank you for the...cupcakes I'll remove my presence from your store" I quickly said as I ran out the door. But I didn't make it too far when I quickly ran into the alleyway beside his store where everything he just forced me to eat emptied from my stomach "I don't think I like cupcakes anymore" I whispered as I did my best to straighten my appearance. I slowly made my way home trying to not hurl again. But that didn't last long of course when someone grabbed my waist in a kind manner. I looked to my side and saw weirdly enough Oliver with a concern frown on his face. I think I was dreaming because Oliver would never be kind towards me and he most certainly wouldn't be concerned about my well being. That was my last thought before my mind went blank and I lost consciousness.

-Oliver's pov-
The moment I grabbed into her I knew she was going to pass out. Right on cue she fell in my arms completely out of it. I signed in frustration as I picked her up bridal style and grabbed her fallen bag. Luckily for me I knew where she lived as for why I even bothered to help her is unknown to me I should be making her into cupcakes but for some odd reason something told me not to. It wasn't long before I got to her house and took her up to her bedroom. It wasn't very big but enough room for her to move comfortably around in. I layed her down in bed and tucked her in noticing that she looked kinda pretty while sleeping. I was about to leave until I noticed a leather journal sitting on her desk and right away I could tell it was her diary. I smirked before grabbing it and tucking it into my own school bag "thanks for the light read poppet" I chuckled evilly as I left her completely unaware of the events about to happen the following day.

A/N: Ello my readers I hope your enjoying this story please follow, comment, and vote thank you!!!

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