Chapter 4

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-Abby's pov-
I stared at myself in the mirror, I stood in only my bra and underwear staring at the reflection of a girl who has suffered- her brown eyes held so much sadness, she was broken beyond repair... She was me. I couldn't help but stare at the black and blue bruises on my body, some were fading and other's stood out like a sore thumb. Then there were the scars on my arms, they would never heal- I would always have this hideous reminder of how much of a loser I am. I let a single tear slip as I forced myself to get dressed in my normal clothing of long sleeves and jeans. It was extremely hot outside I would kill to just wear tang tops and shorts but that hasn't happened in 8 years. I decided to layed in my bed and hug my pillow, times like this I wish I had a mom to comfort me and a dad that would protect me. I stared at the photo on my night stand, it was of myself in the 4th grade and my parents. We had taken this the day before they crashed. We were at the springs on a family trip it didn't seem like I was going to lose them forever. This was around the same time Oliver started to abuse me, no one knew I was a orphan or that I had a side job at a bakery. Just as I was about to fall asleep I was forced awake by someone banging on my window... WAIT MY WINDOW! I sat up in bed to see Oliver knocking on my window with a cupcake in one of his hands. Like seriously what the fuck is wrong this this asshole? First he's abusive and stuffing cupcakes down my throat the next thing I know he's in front of my window which was a story high at least with a fucking cupcake, sorry dude but bringing a cupcake was probably not the best thing to do after what happened at his store. I groaned as I got out of my bed, as much as I hate this asshole I couldn't let him stay outside my window with the possiblity of him falling off and getting seriously injured plus it looked like it was about to rain. I slid the window open and step to the side to let him in. "What the duck do you want you heartless jerk" I growled getting straight to the point. "Well you see poppet I uh- wanted to say I am really really sorry and I hope you can accept my apology and maybe we could be... Friends?" Oliver said handing me the cupcake that he had been holding that had blue icing. He looked hesitant to ask for both my friendship and forgiveness and he be damn right to be hesitant because no way in hell was I going to accept any of it after everything he put me through. "Listen here dude, you think you can just shove me around for 8 years, some how get a hold of my diary and read it to 25 percent of the school population, stuffed cupcakes down my throat which didn't go down so well" I growled as I tossed the cupcake in the garbage feeling little regret. "I hate to break it to you but cupcakes won't fix this- it's not going to fix the damage you've done, this isn't some fanfiction where everything is going to be okay so no I don't forgive you and now I suggest you get your cupcake butt out of my house" I said pointing to my bedroom door. "But-" "OUT!" I screamed at him I wad pissed off beyond imagine. "Please poppet" I shook my head no "please stop you've done enough damage to me already, don't break me anymore than you have already" I begged trying to hold back tears. He frowned as he made his way to the door "I am sorry Abby" he whispered loud enough for me to hear him nut I decided not to say anything in return as I listened to him leave the house. Once I heard the click of the front door I crawled back into my room and started to cry, why did it hurt so bad to have him leave? I should be glad right?...

A/N: Ello readers I hope you enjoyed the newest chapter anyways please comment,vote, and follow me!

Cupcakes Can't Fix This Broken Girl (Bully!England love story)Where stories live. Discover now