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So ever since being diagnosed with anxiety, my life has forever changed. In the early stages, my friends who were suffering as well, would help me long before I started seeing a therapist. It was one day on my Facebook that I posted something uplifting and a family friend commented suggesting I start a blog and the funny thing was, I always wanted to have one. I always thought about it but never gave it a go until she said something. So with a little thinking, I started looking up free blogs sites and I found weebly. is a free blogging site. I have my own website called . On there, I talk about how my day went, whats to come in the future, etc. I use to blog DAILY but that got a little hectic, having to upload every night and sometimes I would forget or run out of time, as I was a full time college student at the time. Now that I switched to online, things are different and I don't do as much as I did in the fall. As Summer is now nearing, I will be blogging a lot more about my adventures and what not. 

I initially created the blog to help people like me, suffering with anxiety but I decided to just blog about my everyday life and how anxiety affects it. I've had a therapist in the past tell me not to blog anymore but I couldn't stop. Writing is my passion along with helping others, I wasn't going to diminish my dreams because the therapist thought it wouldn't help me beat anxiety. He's wrong, I've already beat it just every now and then, I fall back a little but in time, I pick myself back up.

Authors Note: VERY short chapter, apologies. Just wanted to give you all a little scoop about my blog :) Link is in my bio.

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