Let them be

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"Oh, this is so good!" Paul complimented Kristen on her cooking skills. "It's very rarely that I get to enjoy such a delicious home cooked meal."

"Thank you." Kristen smiled at him, reaching for her glass of wine.

"Why is it rare?" Stevie asked, sitting across the table from Paul. "You don't have anyone who cooks for you?"

"No, unfortunately." Shaking his head, Paul used the napkin, before bringing his own glass to his lips. "I've been married once, a very long time ago. Let's just say, it was a complete disaster."

"Oh? May I ask, what makes you say that?"

"Well, we were too young, immature..." Paul shrugged. "I thought I was doing the right thing, since I got her pregnant."

Lindsey stiffened and Stevie glanced at him briefly, a very familiar scenario to their own...

"It's not all bad, of course, I have a son and I'll forever be grateful."

"That's nice." Stevie said with a genuine smile. "Mine's a completely different story. When I'm home, even though that's the rare thing, I love to cook, but I have no one to share it with."

Lindsey sat back in his chair, his lips parted slightly, eyebrow raised, is she for real?

"We could always arrange something." Paul winked, then tried to laugh it off. "So, Lindsey tells me you're working on new music?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Just an EP, four songs." Stevie shrugged, sounding very nonchalant.

"It's almost half an album, though." Lindsey interjected. "We could always add some more. I'm personally very excited by what we have, despite how little it might be."

"Now, let's not get ahead of ourselves. By the end of recording this EP, one of us might not even be alive anymore!" Stevie laughed, taking a sip of her wine. "Things are going well at the moment, Linds."

"So, you two still argue a lot?" Paul had known Lindsey for a long time and while they might not be best buddies, they had always been good friends. Lindsey had confided in Paul definitely more than once, he knew of their history.

"Definitely not like we used to, no. Who knows, maybe we've finally grown up." Stevie gave Lindsey a smile, looking at him.

"Maybe. Things don't get broken anymore, that's for sure." Lindsey joked, finishing his meal. "Thanks, Kristen, it really was good."

"My pleasure." She said, pushing her chair back, standing up. "Does anyone want desert?"

"No, thank you, I'm full." Paul leaned against the back of the chair. "But if it's not too much trouble, I would really like a cup of coffee."

"Of course." Kristen nodded, starting to clean the table.

"I'll help you." Stevie got up, too, carrying the dirty plates to the kitchen.

"Am I imagining things or I see something between you and Paul?" Kristen asked, putting the kettle on.

"He's pretty easy going. And handsome." Stevie added, shrugging her shoulders. "I wouldn't be opposed to getting to know him better at all."

"Good for you! Paul is one of the very few friends Lindsey ever invites to our home. I don't know him very well personally, but he seems like a good guy."

"We'll see." Stevie simply said, taking Paul's coffee with one hand, a bottle of wine with the other, while Kristen stayed in the kitchen to clean up.

Paul was by himself, when Stevie returned, placing the cup in front of him. "How rude of Lindsey to leave you alone."

"It's alright, someone called him. Thank you." Paul smiled, picking up a spoon to stir the sugar. "Does that need opening?"

"Oh, yeah." Stevie handed him the bottle of wine and took her seat. "I hear, you're new in the city?"

"That's right. I lived in San Francisco my whole life. I'm a real estate broker, well, I used to be. I had built my agency in San Francisco from scratch and I've been completely dedicated to it for decades, but I realized that I'm not getting any younger. There are so many things I would still like to do and experience. I won't get to do anything if I'm in my office all the time. So, I talked to my son, we discussed what the best choice would be and since last month, he took over the business."

"Why here? Why not somewhere in... Europe for example?" Stevie asked laughing lightly, as she leaned forward a little, resting her chin on a clenched fist. "I'd love to live in Paris."

Paul smiled, nodding his head to what she said, then shrugged. "Most of my friends live here. Besides, I think I wanted a change." Paul shrugged, reaching for Stevie's empty glass and filling it up. "Maybe I'll finally find my better half here. I've been really unsuccessful so far." He laughed, Stevie giving him a nod as a thank you for the wine.

"Tell me about it." Stevie scoffed, rolling her eyes. "I can't even remember when I was out on a date!"

"I find that extremely hard to believe."

Stevie was about to open her mouth, when Lindsey returned, interrupting their conversation. "Continue, please. It seemed like you two were talking."

"I was just asking Paul, why he decided to move here, that's all." Stevie sighed, somewhat disappointed they weren't alone anymore.

Kristen entered the room as well, asking Lindsey something, while Stevie's eyes were on Paul, God... he really is handsome. He felt her gaze and he faced her, causing her to blush, as he smiled. She bit on her lower lip and cast her eyes down. It all didn't go unnoticed by Lindsey.

It was after mid-night. No one had planned to stay for as long as they did, but the conversation was flowing and the question from Paul and Stevie to each other seemed endless, Lindsey keeping quiet most of the time, Kristen also only managing to get a word in occasionally.

Checking his watch, Lindsey cleared his throat, getting the attention he wanted. "I don't want to seem rude, but Leelee has a race tomorrow, early in the morning and Kristen and I promised to come."

"That's fine." Stevie said. "Paul and I will keep each other company."

"Are you sure?" Lindsey's eyebrows creased a little, but Kristen walked over to his side, linking arms with him.

"She said so, didn't she. Goodnight, you two." Kristen smiled, leading Lindsey out of the room quickly.

"What the hell was that?" He frowned, giving his wife a look.

"Can't you tell they clearly like each other?"

"Yes, yes I can, that's why I-"

"Oh come on, Lindsey. Let them be."

Clenching his jaw, Lindsey shut up and stomped his way to the bedroom.

Back in the other room, Paul diverted his eyes back to Stevie, saying and making her laugh. "I thought they'd never leave."

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