She'll love it

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"You look exceptional. As always." Paul complimented Stevie, as she stood in front of the mirror, applying lipstick. She wasn't wearing something that much out of the ordinary; a black skirt and a blouse with a jacket over it, but it was still different from her leggings and a plain flowy top.

"You don't look to bad either." Stevie said, looking at him through the mirror. "I still think we should have invited your son and his family over to my place. I could have cooked."

"I know you could have, that's exactly why we're going out. I didn't want you to spend half the day in the kitchen, obsessing over every little thing." Paul leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed, as he waited for Stevie to finish.

"How do you know me so well?" Stevie raised an eyebrow, turning to face Paul. 

Closing the distance between them, he circled his arms around her waist, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. "Maybe we're just meant to be." Paul shrugged, winking. "Come on, we're going to be late." He took her by the hand and they were on their way out.

Once the two arrived at the restaurant, Paul reached for Stevie's hand again, lacing his fingers through hers, leaning in to press a kiss to her temple. She couldn't help the smile crossing her lips. Always the small things. 

They approached the table and Harry was already there with his family. They all stood up for introductions and for some reason Stevie was nervous. She held onto Paul, while greeting Melissa and Victoria. She didn't want to come across as rude, offering just a handshake, but she couldn't seem to let go of Paul's hand. Maybe she did know why she was feeling that way - she wanted them to like her.

"It's really nice to finally meet you." Melissa, Harry's wife, smiled at Stevie. "We sure have heard a lot about you." Her gaze shifted to Paul for a second.

"Only good things, I promise." Paul joked, facing Stevie.

"I'm happy to be meeting you as well." Stevie said, once she and Paul sat down opposite Harry, Melissa and Victoria. "And you are just the prettiest little thing." 

Victoria blushed, lowering her eyes. "Thank you."

"You're the prettiest little thing in my eyes." Paul whispered into Stevie's ear, as he got closer, masking it with a kiss to her hair.

"Shall we order?" Harry suggested to which everyone agreed. 

Once they had all chosen and the waiter left the table, Harry took a sip of water from his glass and looked over at Stevie. "So, is my father behaving?"

Stevie chuckled, while Paul rolled his eyes, his arm along the back of Stevie's chair, his fingers occasionally brushing over her shoulder. 

"Yes, he's been perfect." Stevie turn to Paul, smiling up at him. "This past, what, a month and a half since we've officially became a couple, has been wonderful. I've never thought I'd be seeing someone again and here I am, happier than I've been in a long time."

"That's good to hear." Harry half smiled, hugging Melissa around her shoulders. 

"I must say, you look beautiful together. You just... fit." Melissa said, sipping her wine. "I've known Paul long enough to know he's not been very happy for a while, before meeting you either."

"I wish we would have found each other sooner." Stevie didn't necessarily plan on expressing that out loud, but she did and Paul pulled her a bit closer, with his free hand he titled her chin up and kissed her. He drew back, caressing the side of her face, before kissing her chastely once more. 

"Better late than never, isn't it what people say?" Smiling, Stevie nodded.

It came easy to Stevie, being affectionate with Paul in public. Even though she thought there were far more exciting celebrities out there, Stevie still got recognized often and she didn't mind, when Karen would show her that someone had taken a picture of her and Paul together. If anything, she was proud to let people know they were a couple. She was finally in a healthy relationship, it wasn't an affair they were having... Maybe he truly was the man for her, her happy ever after. Of course, they had only known each other for several short months, but they weren't exactly young anymore to play with each other either. They both knew what they wanted, they were open about what they wanted and expected. Stevie had never before experienced such clarity in any of her past relationships and it was certainly a welcome change. Communication was key - she definitely agreed with that.

"I'm going to powder my nose." Stevie excused herself from the table, while they were waiting for desert. 

Making sure Stevie was out of the earshot, Paul searched for something in his pocket, then showed it to his family. "What do you think? Will she like it?"

Harry was grinning widely, while both Melissa and Victoria, with their mouths slightly agape, were staring at the small shinning object, sitting in a box in Paul's palm.  

"I'm sure she'll love it." At last, Harry nodded.

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