Dinner plans

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"Would you mind if we called it a day?" Stevie asked Lindsey, who looked at her, then glanced at his wristwatch, then back at her.

"It's barely after 5 pm." 

"I know that, but I, uh... I have plans for tonight. I need to get ready." Stevie explained, twisting the cord of the headphones around her finger.

"What kind of plans?" Although, he was almost sure he didn't need to ask. "Do they involve Paul?"

"Yes, Lindsey. Paul asked me out, so we're going to dinner. You can't forbid me from going, you know."

Let them be, Kristen's words echoed in Lindsey's head, as he took a deep breath, then nodded. "I know." Unfortunately


"Just go." Lindsey sighed, showing at the door. Stevie didn't like it, but she wasn't going to say anything. She was glad they avoided an argument.

Around 7 pm, Paul's car pulled into the Buckinghams' driveway and Stevie was already saying goodbye to Kristen and the girls. She knew it was silly, but she thought it was better if Paul and Lindsey didn't run into each other.

"Good evening." Paul tipped his head, walking towards Stevie, before embracing her tightly. "Mm, you smell wonderful." He said, breathing in her scent.

"Thank you and good evening to you, too." She smiled, kissing him on the cheek.

"Shall we?" 

Stevie gave a nod of her head and they got in the car, Paul opening the door for her like a true gentleman. He didn't say where they were going, but she didn't really care either. Anywhere would be fine, as long as they were together. After the time they spent together a couple of days ago, Stevie was already quite taken with him.

They arrived at an Italian restaurant, since Stevie mentioned she hadn't been to one for too long. "You remembered." She said, linking arms with Paul. 

"I listen, yes." 

He had a table booked, to which they were led right away. Sitting down opposite each other, they smiled, catching each other's eyes and Stevie felt a bit like she was at high school, having a crush on a boy, but what was wrong with that? 

"You look beautiful." Paul complimented. "Turns out you don't always wear black."

"I thought I'd make an effort, instead of grabbing the first thing off the rack. I'm just not very confident wearing something figure hugging."

"Well, I think you look great." Paul winked, then faced the waiter, standing by their table. He ordered only a bottle of wine, because they hadn't yet decided on what to eat. 

"A whole bottle, huh?" Stevie teased. "If I recall correctly, you're driving."

"But that doesn't stop you from having a good time. I'll help you. A glass with dinner won't hurt." Paul smirked. "So, how you've been these past few days? I hope I didn't get you in too much trouble."

"No, it's alright. I have Kristen on my side, so Lindsey sulks quietly, which is fine by me."

Paul laughed, shaking his head in slight disbelief. "So, he's got it that bad for you, huh?"

"Well, we have known each other since we were teenagers." Stevie shrugged. "We've gone through a lot together. We were in love, we lived together. Whatever happened later on in life, doesn't seem to have affected what we had back then too much. He's still my muse as much as I'm his."

"I personally think that's wonderful. I'm not sure how Kristen feels about it, but after everything, the bond and dare I say, the love between you still so strong."

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